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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Dead Voters Would Be Removed From Voter Rolls Faster

Maryland’s voter registration rolls are bloated with names of dead people – an estimated 20,000 as revealed by a 2013 study from the state Republican party — and lawmakers are seeking a way to streamline the process of purging those names.

Currently, State Board of Elections officials must receive authentication of a death from the the Vital Statistics Administration, which is under the Department of Mental Health and Hygiene. Without that notification, they are not permitted to remove a name from the voter registration list without corroboration from the deceased’s family.

The House unanimously passed a bill last week from Del. Kathy Afzali R-Frederick County that would eliminate some of these tedious steps, she said. It passed with 135 votes.



  1. How in the world will democraps win if you take dead voters off. What will acorn do? Oh my....

  2. doesn't matter, voter fraud wills till take place...

  3. Hey, I've been dead for over fifty years and that Obama guy keeps on voting with my I.D. number.

  4. My dad always voted Republican until he died fifteen years ago now he always votes Democrat.

  5. So many dead people have voted in Salisbury and Wicomico County that's why we have the so called leadership we have.

  6. My father died six years ago and my daughter moved to Texas eight years ago. Both are still on the voter rolls in Worcester County. Every time there is an election I request absentee ballots for them and fill them out myself and forge their sugnatures. I get three votes and the rest of you suckers get one!


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