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Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Craziness And Deceit In Delaware About Black Violence

Interesting exchange on the local cable TV channel tonight in Wilmington Delaware. A show called the Upper Room.

A Reverend Morton was talking about his mission: Social justice for black people. And how a recent trip to Israel was not a spiritual quest, but political one. And how Israel stole land from people and “we’ve seen that happen before,” he said with a knowing grin.

And how he was so happy to go to Ghana because that is where “his people were from” and “that was a spiritual mission.”

But this night, he was telling the cable TV audience about his next big journey to Tallahassee to fight the “Stand Your Ground laws that led to the death of Jordan Davis. And how white people are afraid of young black men. And how next it could be “your son” who is the victim of what one national black magazine called an epidemic of white on black slaughter.

This is an increasingly common theme in the black media: The black person as a common victim of racial violence from whites.

Then Howard Powell had to go and spoil it all.


1 comment:

  1. Curse those who profit by creating and promoting devisiveness. The will forever stand outside the Gates of Heaven.


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