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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Candidate David Craig Visits Albero Ranch

Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting Gubernatorial candidate David Craig. 

It was a very unique interview as I wanted to express some of my ideas for the Eastern Shore. With great pleasure, Mr. Craig sat back and listened as I introduced my vision as to why we are so unique. 

My goal, a commitment from Mr. Craig, (should he be elected) that he would recognize the Eastern Shore, far more so then O'Malley.

I expressed how Ocean City brings in the 2nd largest tax revenue to the state, yet their tax dollars mainly gets returned to Baltimore for transit projects. I expressed our highway tax dollars in Wicomico County doing the very same. Our roads and infrastructure are crumbling and our economy is in a depression, not a recession.

I was able to represent our Farmers as well as pollution on the Bay being blamed on Chicken Farmers here on the Shore and proved to Mr. Craig how that is a farce. 

I then shared how our current Governor refuses to introduce the Eastern Shore as a viable location for businesses interested in relocating to the state.

Finally, I expressed how millions of people travel to Ocean City each summer and why the state should help financially in creating recreational Theme Parks here on the Shore. I expressed how the state invested $500,000,000.00 into the Ravens and Redskins for their new stadiums and the Eastern Shore should not be ignored.

I can tell you that Mr. Craig sat there in awe with the numerous ideas of how the Eastern Shore could be revitalized but we need a Governor who is willing to think out of the box. 

By the end of our meeting I can tell you, the man who is all about "economic development" had a whole new view on a very bright future for the state and especially the Eastern Shore.

This meeting was just one of many to come. I'm giving you the short version of what we discussed as it was a long day for both of us. Should David Craig garnish enough support from the Eastern Shore and get elected, I firmly believe we will FINALLY be the recipient of a much brighter future. Lay off the Democrat/Republican thing for once Ladies & Gentlemen and THINK about our neighbors and our future here on the Shore. WE NEED REPRESENTATION and we haven't seen anything of the sort in many decades. 

More to come...


  1. David Craig is a nice fellow but Ms. Haddaway is a lot easier to look at. Plus, she has brains!

  2. Hopefully when he gets elected he can create a special advisory post for you JOE. It would be a SHAME for all your great ideas go to WASTE.

  3. Tell him that next time he visits, NO ONE wears a suit and tie to the Albero ranch.

  4. You should get Jackie Wellfonder to come over for a interview. She is running one of the GOP 's campaigns for governor.

  5. SCREW THE LEFT DEMON-CRATSMarch 19, 2014 at 1:34 PM

    Thanks JOE,

    Great Article Patriot....

  6. Mr. Craig has done his homework to recognize your influence on the Eastern Shore. He was smart to visit the lovely Albero ranch and not use "It's in Delaware" as some kind of flimsy excuse. I look forward to getting to know Mr. Craig through your interviews with him. Thanks for taking the time to host him.

  7. Does he understand that you cannot vote for him?

  8. 429, I'll take that one! Joe Albero reaches out to the entire Eastern shore and has many thousands of visitors to his site every day and night. This site has more local and Maryland news and opinions than ANY other source on the Shore. How better to reach most Marylanders than to reach out to Joe?

  9. great post joe...

  10. 2:22 what influence?

  11. I have met Craig, and he would be a good Gov.


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