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Monday, March 03, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Ukraine Fears Hit World Stock Markets

Dow Jones industrial average falls more than 200 points at midday as global markets react to Russian invasion of Ukraine and threat of sanctions by West.



  1. Wussies of the western world.

  2. This is just what Obama needs to start letting the market crash again. Build confidence, then crash the market. It happened with the DOT COM companies back in the Bill Clinton days too. You watch what happens.

  3. Obama is going to be canvassing around asking for Countries to take him in asylum-- maybe we can chase him around like Noriega or bin Laden first..

  4. Like real estate, the market has been way over priced and has been propped up by the federal reserve pumping money into it. It hasn't reflected the true economy in years. I know my retirement savings will suffer, but it really does need a true correct to reflect the real economy. I think the printing of money will only work for so long. It didn't help post world war 1 Germany, and it won't help us. We never seem to learn from history! That's why food and energy prices are so high.

  5. Pull your eyes back to the US.Is this diversion tactic working with all of you? Even intelligent people are asking me what I think about the situation with Russia.Even if it did actually matter none of us could do anything about it.


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