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Thursday, March 06, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: House Approves $1B Loan Guarantee Package For Ukraine

The House has approved a bill that would provide Ukraine with $1 billion in loan guarantees; the measure heads next to the Senate.



  1. yep while we have poor and more poor people losing jobs and being feed and taxed to death, forcing you to buy things you don't want or need, and to make you pay for things you will never use, while they send a billion to ukraine...

    My question is, WHEN THE HECK ARE YOU ALL GOING TO GET MAD OVER THIS STUFF? WHEN? WHEN? oh thats right when it affects you directly then maybe you will care hmmmm? no I didn't think so...

    I think I will go lobby the MD general Assembly to raise the toll on the bay bridge to 20 dollars and to switch it for both ways, which will be 40 dollars... I bet you all wouldn't care about that either right? of course not you all welcome more money being taken from you, for you to be lied to about how poor the country is so they can give it away to a country who wouldn't piss on you if that was the last liquid on earth and we were on fire...

  2. That's $30 per person(plus like a hundred years of interest) in money going to bankers. They are about to loot that country.

  3. 4:21 I am so glad some of the people are learning their song and dance

    --their own Fed cut back Quantitative Easing and found a new tag for it---saber rattling to help the Banksters steal - and make Gasoline Prices rise for their oil companies in one fell swoop..

  4. Here we go , Obama wants to buy his way to win a war , with my money.
    This is one sick a$$ person.

  5. Are you kidding me? States in this country(USA) is going broke, and we a billion $ to a russian state? WTF?

  6. Do these Azholes know how to say NO to anything at all? Geez

  7. But wait a minute this is to stop the communists….I thought y'all hated communists. Maybe we should go over and drive them out with our military. Oh wait, that didn't work in Korea or Vietnam.

  8. This isn't our war and Obama is intentionally always taking sides with the wrong side. Obama Putin will wear you a new ass. You F*** with the wrong person. He will mess you up and take out the rest of us innocent ones.

  9. 6:30 - how 'bout we stop the communists in the white house first?!

  10. 3:02 You're delusional, at best. Yes, putin would beat obama in a fight, but russia has nothing on our military. It would be over quicker, if they invaded us.

  11. Its more like we agreed to borrow an additional 1 billion from China (communists) to then lend to the Ukraine to save them from Russia (communists).


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