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Friday, March 07, 2014

Bill Would Ban E-Smoking In Md. Bars, Restaurants

WASHINGTON -- One Maryland lawmaker wants to expand bans on smoking in bars and restaurants to electronic cigarettes, commonly referred to as "e-cigarettes."

Del. Aruna Miller, D-Montgomery County, claims that her bill, HB 1291, would not ban the personal and private use of e-cigarettes by adults, but would simply extend the same restrictions on smoking to e-cigarettes.

When Miller introduced her bill to a House panel, Bruce Bereano, a lobbyist for tobacco and candy wholesalers, disagreed with her sharply.



  1. Here we go again. Start by restricting the small stuff. Tell a business owner how to run their business. Next it's what to eat, where to go, who to go with, what to do, where to work. Just remember every time big brother restricts what your neighbor can do today, he'll be restricting what you can do tomorrow. While they're at it why not restrict or outlaw the following:

    Scented candles
    Drive thru windows
    Cars, trucks, motorcycles and boats
    Houses over 600 square feet
    Owning more than 1/8 an acre
    Right to assembly
    Free speech
    Free thought
    The press
    The Internet
    Cell phones, hell phones in general
    Indoor plumbing
    And stupid politicians that believe they are smarter and above the rest of us.

  2. $19 million dollars to research the effects of e-cigarettes?!? What the he** could cost $19 million dollars? Sounds more like 1 million for research (maybe?) and some politicians lining their pockets with $18 million of our tax dollars.

  3. So what about my rights? I smoke ...i like guns ...if vaping is harmless whats the point? I also like the freedom to buy 190 proof if i dam well please too even though i dont..what i am getting tired of is this idiocacy thats previlant in MD...its time to move from libtard land

  4. More work by pandering Communists in Montgomery County who have worked to price the middle class out of the Housing Market...

    by creating a disparity by a shortage of affordable housing and mandating subsidized Housing for those they use to cut their lawns and watch their children.

    With the rest of the State subsidizing their needs..and being subjected to their will.

    These types of laws should be done municipally if her neighborhood is in favor of it- like Takoma Park has always done.


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