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Sunday, March 09, 2014

Bakery Refuses To Fix Lesbian's Anti-Gay Anniversary Cake

A Washington, D.C. woman ordered an anniversary cake from a local bakery in nearby Arlington, Virginia, and when she opened the box she found a big, anti-gay surprise. The woman, who wants to be identified only as “Sarah,” had ordered the cake from a template, and asked the bakery to not include the balloons that were in the catalog.

The message, as you can see above, reads, “Lesbian Anniv., No Balloons.”

Now, of course your first thought would be that perhaps a new employee read the order ticket wrong and made a mistake. Sadly, you’d be the one making the mistake.

The bakery indeed, according to a report by The Advocate‘s Sunnivie Brydum, intended the anti-gay message, and refuses to apologize for it.



  1. Excellent now that's the way to take care of these anti god scum.

  2. Hope they lose business, and are forced to shut down. Provide a service for everyone, or pound sand. You're a business owner, not the life police.

  3. That's pretty ignorant on the part of the business. Lets see what happens.

  4. Good for them for taking a stand against immorality!

  5. The bakery shouldn't have taken the order Now there is more height to both soap boxes for the choke hold opinions of my way or the highway. Bad business and they need to do a refund IMMEDIATELY

  6. 5:20
    The bakery cannot refuse to take the order. That was the crux of the Arizona legislation last week that Gov. Brewer vetoed - allowing a business to refuse an order.

    This was wrong for the bakery to do but they did not have the option of not taking the order.

    Probably the best compromise is for the bakery to donate the profits from these orders to a Bible believing Christian organization.

  7. The bakery refunded the money.So, it's a free cake! Voila! Free cake!

    Next time, read the article before commenting, 532.

  8. oh yeah that's right they live the lifestyle want everyone to acknowledge what they are but for some reason can't handle the truth when it's written on their cake and placed in front of them. I say cudos to the company and the lesbos will just have to go home and eat carpet instead of cake!

  9. what was the Blues Bros kine?
    "BBBBB Rubber Biscuit"

  10. 5:07 Let's see what happens--ha ha ha--

    the retribution gay mentality says law suit--

    but Gays ought to flood the store and order cakes from this guy-- making him wealthy -- the Baker produced what was on the ticket--all the particulars

    ask and ye shall receive --the Gay had better have paid for the cake she ordered-- too.

  11. Was this supposed to be an exercise of religious freedom, or just plain meanness?

  12. If the Lesbo simply ordered the cake without advertising her gayness, I am sure life would have simply went on, and a nice cake would have been had.

    I am not sure why every gay person I meet has to tell me all about their gayness and bedroom escapades. I do not tell you every tidbit of my life I do not want to hear yours.

    Shut up and move on. No one cares that you are gay. Maybe if they acted appropriate in pubic it would not be an issue.

  13. Should a black bakery be forced to bake a cake for the Ku Klux Klan?

  14. The business should not have done that.

  15. If you don't agree with the customer's lifestyle but you are forced by the government to serve them then use civil disobedience to ensure that type of customer won't return. This baker was smart.

  16. Wow, just apply the golden rule here, not pretty is it?

  17. Not their business. For all the bakery knew, Sarah was Lindsay's boss and she was giving her a cake for 10 years of employment at their company.

  18. 8:04 so what are you saying? you want the owner of the bakery to become gay now to?

  19. Excellent way to deal with the forced homo agenda. You can have your cake and eat it too.

  20. 10:15 your statement is nonsense. Like 7:13 said.....

  21. I don't give a rip if some one is gay or not. What I do object to is a liberal progressive govt, run by hypocrites and fools, that forces people to act against their will. Sorry - but this is the deserved response.


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