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Monday, March 17, 2014

Americans rising up against oppressive government, says university law professor

If the current state of politics in America has taught most of us anything, it is this: The United States is no longer governed by “citizen legislators” who serve a couple of terms out of civic duty and return to the private sector but rather a professional political class that has established itself as a sort of aristocracy, passing laws and making rules that apply to the masses but not to the governing elite.

That’s not simply this writer’s opinion, but a growing perception among many Americans and academics. In a recent column for USA Today, Glenn Harlan Reynolds, a University of Tennessee law professor, documents some of the most recent pushbacks by citizens and concerned citizen groups against several policy plans, government initiatives and laws passed or implemented by the federal government and some states.

The resistance is growing

“America’s ruling class has been experiencing more pushback than usual lately. It just might be a harbinger of things to come,” he writes. Consider:

America just says ‘no’ to national surveillance system. In mid-February, in response to widespread protests, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) shelved plans (for now) to develop a national license plate database. Without any regard to the Fourth Amendment’s “probable cause” provision, DHS higher-ups, in approving such a plan, essentially presumed that every driving American is potentially guilty of something and, as such, should be monitored every time they leave their driveways.



  1. Yet ultimately all States rest on hypocrisy and myth.

    From ancient Sumer to the present, all governments have been composed of elites. All states originate in conquest and exploitation, and as elite oligarchies, exercise a monopoly of crime over their subjects through war and taxation, indoctrination and propaganda, and the conscription of resources and persons. All states or regimes are characterized by the brutal struggle for power in its diverse open and concealed forms by competing elites. The most significant political division to be observed in such internecine warfare is that between the rulers and the ruled, the “ins” and the “outs,” the elite and the non-elite.

    The primary object of every government ruling elite is survival — masquerading under the rubric of “national security” — the jealous maintenance of its power, prestige, opulence and privilege against all potential rivals. All governments, no matter how ruthless and despotic (or seemingly benevolent and just), rest upon the “engineering of consent” of the gullible majority, largely by propaganda beamed at the populace by the rulers and their craven apologists in the complacent and compliant news media.

    The rule of the elite is based on force or fraud. This force may be hidden or threatened, and the fraud sustained by a political formula, usually expressed as a generally accepted state religion, ideology, or series of myths. But it is the physical force of the gun that lay behind it all. And it is at your mind that every government gun is aimed.

  2. They may wear bullet proof vests, but their legs, face, and hands are not protected, blast them in the legs with Duck load steel shot and it will break the bones, then you can blow there face completely off and take their guns and equipment. All is fair in war!

  3. 2nd Amercian Revolution in progressMarch 17, 2014 at 5:02 PM

    Shared...Good one JOE...We are tired and short of using VIOLENCE against these World Elite in DC...


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