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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Yes, We Should Discuss The Clintons’ Past

When Kentucky Senator and Republican presidential aspirant Rand Paul re-surfaced the Monica Lewinsky scandal as relevant to Hillary Clinton’s presidential candidacy, fellow Republican Karl Rove immediately took him to task on national television.

“Frankly, Rand Paul spending a lot of time talking about the mistakes of Bill Clinton does not look like a big agenda for the future of the country,” said Rove.

Actually, it was Paul’s wife Kelley who first brought it up in a Vogue Magazine interview. Why should Republicans be accused of a “war on women” when Mrs. Clinton’s husband, former president Bill, chartered new territory in “predatory” sexual behavior, argued Mrs. Paul.

When Senator Paul was asked about this on Meet the Press, he made the same point.



  1. If the Dems think it's fair to dredge up a DUI that GW Bush got 35 years ago, or make false claims about his service in the Air National Guard when he was in his twenties, then anything the Clintons did is fair game as well.

  2. Both Clinton's are liars. You should refer back to the "Whitewater" scandal. They were crooks back then as well.

  3. If I had a daughter she would like Monica Lewinsky

  4. Lewinsky (an adult) admits, in her testimony, that she was the predatory one.

  5. Bill Clinton was a jerk. Let's blame his wife for that.

  6. Although I disagree with much of what Paul says, he atleast was respectable. Thats until sinking to this ridiculous level. Same ol' political hack.

  7. Obama Crooked BastardoFebruary 25, 2014 at 6:03 PM

    Paul is right. And Hillary be more useful to rerire so she can keep eye on Bill's zipper.


  8. All the Clinton & Rodham clan are greedy scum to a greater or lesser extent.

    Bill, the impeached perjurer and disbarred attorney, is directly responsible for his sexual acts as governor and president.

    His wife supposedly stood by her man through these episodes so she enabled his actions. But her personal history is littered by cronyism, ineptitude and illegality also.

    So we are expected to only scrutinize the lies she tells going forward? Wrong!! She can change her hair, her botox and pantsuits but like a leopard she can't change her spots.

    All of her sorry and disgusting background deserves to be aired, again and again.

  9. Hitlery is the worst choice this country could make for president. It would be as bad as or worse than Obama. Of course with that statement made you will always have the 40% to 47% that will vote for a Democrat regardless whether the candidate is the Devil himself (actually we are pretty close in this case).


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