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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Wood Stove Update

A federal proposal to clean up smoke from wood stoves has sparked a backlash from some rural residents and lawmakers. Manufacturers of wood stoves have also objected. The new rule would sharply reduce the amount of particulate new wood stoves produce. One company says no stove made today would meet the requirement. 

Wood stoves are a staple in many rural areas. They are economical and make attractive centerpieces in many homes. States such as Washington and New York already have adopted stricter emission rules. Last fall, New York led a coalition of seven states in a federal lawsuit. Its goal was to compel the EPA to adopt new emission limits on wood-fired boilers that heat water.


  1. Stupid. One forest fire fills the air with more junk than all the wood stoves in the US burning for several years.. The should pass a law about how much pollution a forest fire is allowed to generate.

  2. Just another way of distracting us from Ob;s agenda of becoming dictator.

  3. The only ones distracting are you loons that believe someone is coming to take your stove away

  4. "It's just another way for them to control my life and lifestyle and basically force me to pay more for just survival," Woods said.

    I CALL BS!!!

    Just like he is doing in the picture in the article he is burning WET wood, that wet wood will burn like crap in his old wood furnace that should be scrapped, all those particulates are going over to his neighbors house, he doesn't give a crap so the EPA has to step in so people like this can no longer pollute the air and then he screams about his "freedom". What about the neighbors freedom to breath fresh air?

    I say here here on the banning of old outdoor wood furnaces, people idle those things and create smoke for miles.

    I also agree with the banning of Non-epa wood stoves. People refuse to burn right in them, split wood one day burn it the next. Most of the people that sell wood around here will lie to your face saying wood is seasoned when they know it is not.

    I say legislation should be made to curb what people can sell as Seasoned wood as well as what a REAL cord is size wise so you can go after these fly by night people trying to make money off of unsuspecting people.

    We now have to wear seatbelts in our cars or get a ticket due to stupid people, the same should be done with wood stoves.

  5. Why on earth would the government permit wood stoves. They are inexpensive, burn renewable resources, and do not require large companies to supply fuel. Why should anything that makes this much sense be permitted.

  6. Dear Jim 3:08
    You asked the question "why would the government permit wood stoves".
    It's none of the governments business , how I heat my home.
    It's none of your business how I heat my home.
    You just made the most stupid comment on this blog that I've seen in 7 years.
    Jim , is your last name Ireton , if so , then I understand your ignorance.

  7. Just let some tree hugging democrat show up to remove my fireplace from my home.

  8. 358, maybe I read 308 differently than you did. May I offer that he was asking why the government "require a permit for a woodstove"?

    Um, 308, any feedback on that?

    If so, I agree with both of you.

  9. STAND YOUR GROUND and do not fire until fired onFebruary 25, 2014 at 6:39 PM

    Can someone put them to SLEEP please...before they get folks in the streets rioting against this Crony Government...


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