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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Why Democrats Hate Work

Last week, the Congressional Budget Office released a report discussing the ramifications of Obamacare. The report revealed that the work-hour equivalent of approximately 2.5 million jobs would disappear from the workforce, thanks to Obamacare, in a voluntary process in which employees would simply dump out of their jobs, knowing they could get health care through expanded Medicaid and federal subsidies they would lose by working.

Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., an ideological leftist thought leader, spun the report as a massive positive for Obamacare: “The single mom, who’s raising three kids (and) has to keep a job because of health care, can now spend some time raising those kids. That’s a family value.” And Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., celebrated the report as a defeat for the dreaded condition known as “job lock” — the situation in which you have to stick at a job you don’t like for the benefits. “We have the CBO report,” Reid stated, “which rightfully says, that people shouldn’t have job lock. If they — we live in a country where there should be free agency. People can do what they want.”



  1. Hard work, self reliance is also a family value. Staying home with the kids is great if you arent taking taxpayer money.

    BUT the Democrats started this War on Women.

  2. dont's have to work EVER againFebruary 13, 2014 at 12:37 PM

    We beeeee chillin yo....

  3. Great comments from two of the biggest morons in government. Because of them we are where we are. November is coming.

  4. Democrat here. I work two good paying jobs to make sure my family gets the best this country has to offer. Someone wants to tell me I'm lazy they'll have to wait for me to get off work to punch them in the throat. But hey, DEMOCRAT BAD.

  5. 3:01 Thanks for being different than the average DEMOCRAT.

  6. 3:01 - all you have established is that you are violent and politically ignorant. Sounds like a democrat to me.

  7. Thanks, now I know what party my supervisor is with.


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