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Saturday, February 08, 2014

Warning: Read This Before Doing Taxes In Windows XP

PHOENIX, Ariz. - Ralph asks: I know Windows XP is about to be retired, but is it safe enough for me to do my taxes or should I upgrade it first?

Your mindset to upgrade your operating system before you start preparing your tax return is a pretty smart approach, given the recent warning from Microsoft that Windows XP is 6 times more likely to be hacked.

Since Windows XP is really old - it was introduced in 2001 - and after April 8 this year will no longer get security updates, you may as well put yourself in a more secure position for something you're going to have to do anyway.


  1. Not many people know this but the majority of ATM machines run Window XP. Better start counting the money the machine dispenses to you!

  2. XP Rocks! What a great OS! I have 7 now... it's okay, but maybe I'm too old school. 8 does not rock, or is not mediocre, and is not poor, but it does rate below that.

  3. Once you go MAC, you never go back!


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