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Tuesday, February 25, 2014


 Mourners pay their respect to slain civil rights leader, Medgar Evars in 1963.  His killer was finally convicted in 1994.

Union prisoners receive rations at Fort Sumter in 1864.

 The mugshot of Tokyo Rose, 1946.
 A rescue boat comes alongside the crippled USS West Virginia shortly after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.
 Two childhood friends unexpectedly reunite on opposite sides of a demonstration in 1972.
Survivors of the Titanic are taken on board the 
Carpathia in 1912.
 Wielu, Poland, just after German Luftwaffe bombing the 
1st of September 1939. Not only did this bombing provide
 a spark for World War II, but it is generally believed to 
be the first terrorist bombing in history.
 A burial at sea on board the USS Lexington  in 1944.
 Crowds rush through the castle on Disneyland 's 
opening day in 1955.
 A lion rides in the sidecar during a performance of The Wall 
of Death carnival attraction at Revere Beach ,  
Massachusetts in 1929.
 Future presidents Bill Clinton and George Bush with 
Governor George Wallace at a BBQ in 1983.
 Dr. Werhner von Braun and Walt Disney in 1954.
 The Statue of Liberty photographed during 
a power failure in 1942.
 The RMS Olympic, the Titanic's sister ship, in 
wartime camouflage in 1915.
 Anastasia shares a smoke with her father, 
Tsar Nicholas II two years before their 
assassination in 1916.


  1. Its too bad that they didn't have the technology that they have now. They could have nipped it in the bud.

  2. I remember about 50 years ago, when it was still call the Harrington Fair, they had a huge steel cage shaped like a ball. A fellow and his wife rode motorcycles all around it. At the end of the act they brought out a little car, like the one in the photo, and put a lion in it and drove up and down and all around. The poor lion looked like he was scared to death. It was the funniest thing I had seen at the tender age of 12.


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