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Sunday, February 02, 2014

U.S. Sued Over Unarmed Mom's D.C. Killing

WASHINGTON — The family of the young, unarmed woman shot to death by federal agents in the shadow of the Capitol will file a $75 million lawsuit against the U.S. government, WND has learned.

Attorney Eric Sanders informed WND he has filed the multi-million dollar claim against the U.S., the uniformed division of the U.S. Secret Service and the U.S. Capitol Police for “numerous intentional, grossly negligent and reckless actions of police officers, supervisors, managers and other related employees.”

Miriam Carey was shot to death Oct. 3, 2013, by federal officers after a car chase that began at the White House and ended about a block from the Capitol.
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  1. Please she was armed with a 3000lb tank good luck with that case greedy Ass lawyers.

  2. They are still searching for several mystery witnesses who were present during this event.Because these people did not have a distinguishing appearance they are highly unlikely to locate them.

  3. And an unarmed black man was shot to death by the police after getting in a car accident and knocking on the door of a house for help. The police are so afraid of everyone that they just shoot to kill and ask questions later.

  4. 11:41pm....a gross exageration. Try workimg with facts. You will.sound much more credible.

  5. Anonymous said...
    And an unarmed black man was shot to death by the police after getting in a car accident and knocking on the door of a house for help. The police are so afraid of everyone that they just shoot to kill and ask questions later.

    January 30, 2014 at 11:41 PM

    Cop hater

  6. She plowed through a check point, ran from cops so she is a criminal and disserved what she got. Kudo's to the police agencies involved.

    Can't wait to see them drop the race card, but I bet the officers were black.

  7. If you are police officer and you feel your life is in danger you have the right to shoot to kill. She evidently put herself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Even though they ran the cars tag it doesn't mean the name on the tag is the driver. She broke the law and caused her death.

  8. 6:39,

    So she deserved death? What a moronic statement.

  9. 7:10 - everyone should have that same right if they feel their life is in danger.....

  10. 7:33 While she did not "deserve death", she was a threat to LEO and civilian life. You can't tackle, or tase, a car... so shots are fired to STOP THE THREAT. It so happens, that it resulted in her loss of life. Don't use your car as a weapon, and this doesn't happen.

    Oh wait, that makes too much sense... but, we can't blame her, she couldn't be responsible for her actions.

  11. Something tells me most of you clowns commenting know very little about the case. Whats funny is you think you do, based off of what you've heard through the media filter. Will be glad to see the family get their day in court and we'll see who was right.

    1. Ok sheepie...y BC she WAS black?

  12. @8:23

    Right, and there are plenty of ways to stop a car without shooting the driver.

    As for your snide remark at the end no where was it indicated that she is not responsible for her actions, only that the response to those actions could have been handled better.

  13. i love all your peoples comments defending these cops wait till your cop buddys start doing house to house weapon sweeps then tell me how much u love them cops. and FYI when they come in your house they will not be polite you and your kids will be held at gun point till the search is over FACT: this happened in BOSTON after the marathon bombing watch the videos on youtube


  14. Killing her did seem a bit excessive. What was wrong with shooting out the tires or a roadblock spike strip? Sheesh..

  15. Anonymous said...
    Killing her did seem a bit excessive. What was wrong with shooting out the tires or a roadblock spike strip? Sheesh..

    January 31, 2014 at 3:38 PM

    So this is the same principle as saying instead of killing someone who is trying to murder you lets say "what's wrong with just shooting them in the knee cap? Sheesh.."

  16. Anonymous said...
    And an unarmed black man was shot to death by the police after getting in a car accident and knocking on the door of a house for help. The police are so afraid of everyone that they just shoot to kill and ask questions later.

    January 30, 2014 at 11:41 PM

    What does this article have to do with your unarmed black man. Dropping that race card again.

  17. Anonymous said...

    So she deserved death? What a moronic statement.

    January 31, 2014 at 7:33 AM

    Were you there? Were you the one that was threatened? You made the moronic statement.

  18. Loser pays legal fees would stop this nonsense.

  19. I understand using force if needed but there were other ways to stop her in this situation and more thought could have been used. They shot at her while the child was in the car and before she hit the officer with the car they had her pinned. That would have been the appropriate time to disable the tires and not fire shots at the cab, especially seeing that they knew at that point there was a child in the car. This is not an issue for cop haters, or the race card. I respect the police but this particular situation was bad judgement the police's part.

  20. There's a lot more to this then we, the American public, have been allowed to know. Hopefully this trial will bring to light the undercurrent that's been Obamasized. I'd love to see some law suits arise from the Navy yard shootings, too. For, there's quite a bit about that episode that's been Obamasized also.

  21. The vehicle was disabled in its final collision. She was murdered because she simply refused to obey voice commands. To make any statement that she deserved to die can only be judged to be coming from the ignorant. We wait for hours to resolve an issue of a barricaded suspect yet could not wait 10 min to negotiate with this woman.


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