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Saturday, February 01, 2014

Troopers Step Up Patrols For Super Bowl Sunday And Remind Everyone To “Choose Your Ride”

Dover- The Delaware State Police will be out in full force patrolling the roadways this weekend to ensure that everyone is driving with due care and offering assistance to motorists in need. Troopers want to remind everyone to enjoy the weekend festivities leading up to Super Bowl Sunday, and remember to “Choose Your Ride” by making the smart choice of having a designated driver or calling a cab if fans decide to drink and drive this weekend.

“Through the continued partnership of the Delaware State Police and The Delaware Office of Highway Safety, we continue to combat and raise awareness of the deadly consequences of drunk driving,” said Sergeant Paul G. Shavack, Director of Public Information for the Delaware State Police. “We hope that the “Choose Your Ride” campaign and police cruiser-cab send a simple but powerful message and serves as a great visual reminder to “Choose Your Ride” before getting behind the wheel intoxicated.”

Troopers will be conducting DUI Saturation Patrols and DUI Checkpoints on our highways during Super Bowl weekend festivities. Troopers will also focus on distracted driving, motorists not wearing seat belts, unrestrained children in vehicles, and any aggressive driving behaviors such as speeding, following too close, and especially, driving under the influence.

By following these easy steps, a driver can enjoy safe weekend travel without jeopardizing their life or the lives of others who may be on the road:

Ensure all occupants are properly restrained

Plan a safe way home before the festivities begin

Before drinking, please designate a sober driver and give that person your keys

If you’re impaired, use a taxi, call a sober friend or family member, or use public transportation so you are sure to get home safely

If you see a drunk or aggressive driver on the road, immediately contact 911 as soon as safely possible

If you know someone who is about to drive while impaired, take their keys and help them make other arrangements to get to where they are going safely


  1. They use just about any holiday/event as an excuse for these patrols except for NASCAR races in Dover.

  2. Try to avoid any bridges.

  3. Government... cops stalking and preying on the populous to make money for the state off victimless crimes. (in the name of safety of course)

  4. Victimless crime? Are you kidding? Tell that to the 1 DUI caused traffic death per day in this state and the 10's of millions of dollars of property damage caused by DUIs.

    The state makes nothing off DUI's. It only costs money to prosecute them.


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