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Thursday, February 27, 2014

The U.S. And Its Allies Had Contact With Bin Laden And The 9/11 Hijackers Many Times Before 9/11

The report that the FBI had a human resource in direct contact with Bin Laden in 1993 - and covered it up and hid it from the 9/11 Commission and Congress - is newsworthy. See this Washington Times report and NBC News coverage.

But that's just the tip of the iceberg:
Top American officials admit that the U.S. armed and supported Bin Laden and the other Mujahadin - which later morphed into Al Qaeda - in the 1970s, in order to fight the Soviets

The mainstream French paper Le Figaro alleged that the CIA met with Bin Laden himself 2 months before 9/11

According to the Congressional Joint Inquiry into 9/11, an FBI informant hosted and rented a room to two hijackers in 2000. And see this Newsweek article and this New York Times report 

According to the large French newspaper Le Monde, the intelligence services of America’s close ally France and of other governments had infiltrated the highest levels of Al-Qaeda’s camps, and actually listened to the hijackers’ debates about which airlines’ planes should be hijacked , and allied intelligence services also intercepted phone conversations between Al-Qaeda members regarding the attacks


  1. After the attacks, there was a secret flight out of the US, guess who was on it? Bin Laden's family! They were here in America, and then were spirited out of the country back to Saudi Arabia for their safety.

  2. Amazing that they conveniently bypassed every Republican Administration.


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