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Saturday, February 08, 2014

Tennessee Governor Proposes FREE Community College To Every High School Senior

The governor of Tennessee wants everyone to go to college. Governor Bill Haslam – a Republican – has introduced a proposal to guarantee every high school senior can go to a community college or technical school for free. This proposal is part of Governor Haslam's "Drive to 55" campaign, which is a plan to ensure that 55 percent of Tennessee residents have some sort of advanced degree. In his State of the State address on Monday, Governor Haslam said, "We are committed to making a clear statement to families that education beyond high school is a priority in the state of Tennessee." Governor Haslam is setting an important example, and hopefully more states will follow his lead.


  1. Absolutely wrong!

    This cheapens college for everyone that earned it the hard way...

    There are too many that shouldn't graduate high school from a learning/intelligence standpoint and we're guaranteeing them college!


  2. Yawn. What campaign BS. Many students couldn't copy the language on their diplomas. An extremely high percentage who do enroll in CCs must take remedial classes in basic subjects before attempting the CC curriculum.

    CCs are great but let's not kid ourselves that every young adult, or old one, can benefit, or is remotely interested.

    All he's doing is taking a platform plank away from an opponent.

  3. Maryland already has a similar system already. For this area If your in high school and get free lunch during your time in high school you can go to wor-wic for free class.


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