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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Ted Cruz And The Lesson Of Dunkirk

In politics, as in war, you can’t afford to fight the battles you know you’ll lose.

Politics is often like war. Unfortunately, politicians, the media, and the voting public seldom have the same degree of realism and discipline with which professional soldiers fight wars. You can indulge your emotions and base your decisions on wishful thinking in politics in a way that you are not likely to when your own life is on the line in battle.

One of the most dramatic and heartening events of World War II was the miraculous evacuation of British troops trapped on the beaches of France in 1940, at Dunkirk. And its lesson is still relevant today.

The British troops were in France to help the French fight off the invading army from Nazi Germany. But the sudden collapse of the French army left the Brits stranded on the beaches, with the German army closing in on them.


1 comment:

  1. with all due respect Mr. Sowell the conservatives have been retreating since reagan left office. if they do not stop retreating there may not be a war left to fight. Fire on Ted Cruz


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