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Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Support Common Core Repeal!

Testify Wednesday, Feb 5th

HB 76 will effectively force a full repeal of Common Core State Standards in Maryland. But it will only get out of committee if concerned citizens like you speak up in support of it.

We need volunteers to attend the hearing in Annapolis and testify.

The hearing for HB 76 is scheduled for Feb 5th at 1 pm, Rm 131, House Office Building, Annapolis, MD 21401.

Testimony is limited to 3 minutes
We suggest that you submit written testimony as well (see below)
You must sign up to testify by 12 pm
Hearings begin at 1 pm
Park at Navy Stadium (Gate 5 off of Taylor Ave.) and take the shuttle down to the House office building.

If you can not make it down to Annapolis you can easily submit written testimony.

All you need to do is:

Put the bill number at the top of the page (HB 76 for Common Core Repeal)
Write testimony explaining why you support the bill
Include your Name, Address, and the name (if any) of the organization that you are with
Email your testimony to delegatemikesmigiel@gmail.com

Please email your testimony before 9 am, Feb 5th to ensure Delegate Smigiel's office has enough time to make the 40 required copies.

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