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Thursday, February 13, 2014

States Use ALEC-Backed Bills To Kill EPA Power Plant Rules

State lawmakers across the country are pushing bills and resolutions to nullify federal greenhouse gas emission rules for power plants based off a template adopted by the conservative American Legislative Exchange Council, according a Washington Examiner review.

Legislators have filed measures that borrow portions of the ALECmodel policy in at least seven states since the group's members approved it Jan. 15, and more state legislatures are likely to adopt the approach.

The state initiatives are more symbolic than anything, as states cannot choose to ignore the standards without fear of sanctions.

The Environmental Protection Agency is slated to offer a draft rule on greenhouse standards for existing power plants in June of this year and final rules for both current and new plants are due in June 2015.



  1. The Constitution will save us if appliedFebruary 13, 2014 at 12:48 PM

    The States have more power than the FEDS, and KING OBAMA would like to have...

  2. The EPA started out as a good idea. Now, though, it's been commandeered as a political axe.

    Shut it down!


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