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Monday, February 03, 2014

State Delegate Candidate Carl Anderton Press Release: Poultry Fair Share Act

When Governor O'Malley introduced this year's budget he said that there would be no tax increases, but just 4 weeks in there are several- including a Senate bill filed today (sb0725), which would tax each chicken that is delivered to a chicken farm at a rate of 5 cents each.

It's bad policy at any time, but given our regional economy, it is particularly troubling. The gun control law passed last year has already chased jobs from Maryland, with Beretta investing $45 million in a new facility in Tennessee.
How many jobs in Wicomico County would this bill eliminate?

While pondering that question think of all the other industries that poultry companies support. Whether it is the purchase of new farm equipment, cars and trucks, hand tools and even local restaurants and hotels that often play host to business meetings. This is bad policy, a bad bill and would make an even worse law!

Please join me in talking to your elected officials to stop this bill.

Our economic future could very well be at stake.


  1. This is great news for Delaware chicken farmers! WE won't have to pay that tax.

    Thank you Mr. O'Malley

  2. If Perdue delivers and is taxed on 60,000 biddies mid summer, we have a sudden heat wave and the entire flock suffocates, it has happened, is the state going to refund those taxes? If Perdue delivers 60,000 biddies, will he be taxed on the biddies or the actual number of chickens hauled out when they're grown? There is a difference in numbers delivered and number removed, sometimes that number is significant. This law is just bad, anyway you look at it. This is an effort to run family farmers right out of business so the Western Shore morons can over develop our area. You can tell every time one of them buys property here or builds here. The first thing they do is run black top out in the middle of no where and light up the property like a stadium. They come here to get away from city life and expect us to conform to what they ran away from. SECEDE NOW!!!!

  3. Considering that the grower will only receive about 35cents or less per bird for his work and expenses (mortgage, electricity, clean out,etc), that is a heck of a tax rate.

  4. I wonder why this Montgomery County delegate doesn't proper a tax on lawn fertilizers, blacktop and commuting -- you know, the polluting that he and his constituents do.

  5. The bill as is states that the birds are taxed as they are dropped off to the chicken farm. So 9:56 the tax would apply in your case.

  6. It would get passed on to the consumer in the form of higher prices per pound. With these larger companies like Perdue it could be passed in a way that would hardly be noticeable.
    More importantly would this law apply to the small grower who raises and sells right from the farm? Or just CAFO's (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations.)
    I don't like the law, because history is the best teacher and the government can not ever ever be trusted to spend money as intended. The Bay fund's been raided before and it will happen again as long as MD is under irresponsible democrat control.

  7. I'm a Democrat who is going to vote for Anderton. The social issues are done. Now we need to turn to people who can address jobs and the run away spending.


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