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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Spanking Bill In Kansas Sparks Controversy

A Kansas state lawmaker says a bill she's introduced that would give school teachers and caregivers expanded rights to spank children is not "intended to legalize child abuse."

Democratic state representative Gail Finney of Wichita put out a statement Tuesday after media stories about her legislation, which would expand on current Kansas law by allowing teachers and caregivers to spank children up to 10 times, possibly causing redness and bruising.

The legislation specifically would allow for spankings "up to ten forceful applications in succession of a bare, open-hand palm against the clothed buttocks of a child and any such reasonable physical force on the child as may be necessary to hold, restrain or control the child in the course of maintaining authority over the child, acknowledging that redness or bruising may occur on the tender skin of a child as a result."



  1. Good. Maybe in 10-20 years, we will see a better group of young adults. These kids today are entitled, whiny brats. I have tried to hire a younger generation, and every one is lazy, unmotivated, and glued to their smart phone.

  2. Maybe discipline should be the responsibility of the parents.

  3. Anon 8:08, that would be all well and good if the parent would be responsible enough & discipline their little brats.

  4. Parents need to discipline their own children including spanking. Spanking never killed me or any kid. Children need discipline. We have modern day examples of children that never got any discipline all around us. A good example of someone famous that never got any is Justin Beever. How different his life and career could have been with just a couple of spankings when he needed it.

  5. 9:09 i agree 100% the only problem is our school system teaches the children to report abuse including spanking and the parents can expect a call from DSS and face charges. So now you have to worry if a DSS agent decides you are abusing your children by spanking them.

  6. Yeah! It's called learning to respect our elders! Tired of the entitlement mentality. Respect needs to be passed on from generation to generation. America is going down the tubes without it!

  7. Yup, beating children will solve all our problems. Wrong on so many levels.

  8. 1:34 Yo wuss, spanking and BEATING are two different things, obviously you never got a spanking. An example of what happens to your head when you didn't.


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