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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Sinkhole Opens Up At National Corvette Museum, Swallows Cars

A massive sinkhole that opened up under a Kentucky museum Wednesday morning swallowed several vintage and rare Corvettes.

The National Corvette Museum said the Bowling Green Fire Department estimates the sinkhole to be around 25-30 feet deep and 40 feet wide.

"This is going to be an interesting situation," Museum Executive Director Wendell Strode told the Bowling Green Daily News, noting that a structural engineer is at the Bowling Green facility to evaluate the damage inside its Sky Dome section.

Six of the cars in the sinkhole are owned by the museum; two others are owned by General Motors.


  1. Old Mine shaft must have fallen in.

  2. I always wanted a Corvette,but I could never afford one.By the time I could afford one I had 2 kids and a 2 seater anything wouldn't work.If I had shown up there a day before the sinkhole swallowed them,and if I had stolen one of their Corvettes,would I have been prosecuted?

  3. 11:08 You would have been prosecuted because you wanted a poor automobile, that's all.

  4. 12:45 has it right. Chev & Jeep are about on the same par. --at the bottom.

  5. 1:42,

    Which is why both manufacturers are building some of the most highly rated vehicles on the planet right now?

  6. ANOTHER OBAMA VOTER BITES THE DUSTFebruary 13, 2014 at 5:04 PM

    Oh I thought that is where Oprah Winfrey landed when her parachute failed to open...

  7. Uh, the humanity! Hope they can pull them out and restore them!

    What a rotten thing to happen.

  8. 3:08 highly rated by whom? An industry controlled awards/media? Sorta like when The Metropolitan has the best on the shore, because they bought the title in dollars spent advertising.

    I suggest you google the list of lemons by manufacturer.

    As of 2013 the Jeep Wranger was the 6th highest lemoned vehicle.

  9. Remember the old saying "You are what you drive" .....

    What do people thing of that saying?

    Good topic of conversation.


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