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Monday, February 17, 2014

School Safety Expert Threatened For Questioning Sandy Hook


  1. ABC went live immediately with a copter report that showed a suspect being chased down outside the school in the exact clothing reported that the alleged killer was supposedly wearing that day-- fatigues and a black tee shirt

    he was filmed telling Parents "I did not do it" Not one person bothered to ask him--What did you do?-- the story had not even been reported at that point--just that shots had been fired.

    Politicized planned crisis is taught in a class at both UNC and University of Kansas -- To have activists choose to confront and attack questions people have in this episode makes me sick- that some can be so invested in politics that the truth no longer matters. If you look up Hoppy Hilderberg who died last year... he was a member of the OKC Muir Bldg Grand Jury that Eric Holder was in charge of the case for the Clinton Adm. Holder threatened Hoppy with Jail for asking for a munitions expert for the Grand Jury to learn about the blast. His interview is on You Tube.. the state of American Justice under Obama and Holder mirrors Nazi Germany...Holder is working hard to take away our 2nd amendment rights --and is guilty in the cover up of Fast and Furious

  2. Anyone who has been listening to this guy can realize why authorities have a major problem with him.He made perfect sense in this particular interview,but the disparities in different interviews he has done are astounding.Wolfgang has actually told various groups that no one was killed at Sandy Hook!No one period and the whole thing was a hoax!That disparity has cost him any semblance of credibility that he once had.

  3. Just like bin Laden no bodies ever seen or filmed as proof. You better believe everything Obama says or else.

  4. Sheep being led to SlaughterFebruary 17, 2014 at 4:59 PM

    Wait a Minute Here: All the Government run News agencies; CBS, ABC, CNN, RAP VIDEO and so forth stated this was done by a few kids who have guns...Just b/c I get Food Stamps, Section 8 Housing, 1,800 a month for my illegitimate kids I got, free Obama car and insurance does not mean I am misinformed...

  5. I hate this guys and scumbags just like him. They peddle fear and doubt where there needs to be none. Him and those like him are every bit as evil as the shooter.

  6. 5:53 PM Dumb Dumb. Because he is willing to question the popular account of the incident you hate him and think he is evil?

    What if he is right? What if he is wrong? Either way you sound like a fool. You should be questioning everything including this guy but calling him evil is just ignorant.


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