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Friday, February 14, 2014

SC Gov. Haley Says She Backs Carrying Firearms Without Permits, Training

S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley said Tuesday that she backs a proposal that would make it legal for most South Carolinians to carry guns – concealed or in the open – without a permit or the training that the state currently requires.

Haley made her comments after she signed into law a bill that allows gun owners with licenses to carry concealed weapons into businesses that serve alcohol – restaurants and bars – as long as they do not drink alcohol and the businesses did not bar guns.

After signing the restaurant and bar bill, Haley said she backs a pending state Senate bill, called the “Constitutional Carry Act,” that would eliminate the state’s current permitting and training requirements for citizens who wish to carry firearms.

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  1. Amen , finally a female politician with a brain!

  2. Haley For President!!

  3. Tired of the Maryland BS. I have a suggestion more to Greenville S.C. It is a wonderful area and it has a great DT and even has a new Cabelas. Also rents and home prices are very low.Check it out!

  4. Move to SC but not to Greenville. SC has the same rate of crime per square mile as the national median (39) but Greenville is 129/sq mi. That's 3.3 times the state rate.


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