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Sunday, February 09, 2014

Salisbury/Wicomico Make National News - Wicomico Ranked No.7 In Nation for Worse Retracting Economy - No. 5 In Nation For Worse Change In Employment: 24/7 Wall St.

Yesterday, Salisbury/Wicomico made national news as being ranked No. 7 in the nation as far as 2013 GMP change down -2.2% (tied 7th worse) and 2013 change in employment - down 1.5% tied 5th worst.  What is even more alarming is that the projected 2014 GMP is projected to be down -3.8% (second worse).  The only other area in Maryland that is doing worse is Cumberland, Maryland.

SBYnews publishes each month the US BLS job reports for Wicomico.  For the past 11 consecutive months, Wicomico has lost a significant amount of jobs over the previous years reporting - (2013 verses 2012).  And for 16 of the past 22 months, Wicomico has recorded a negative job number.  According to the US BLS jobs numbers - the condition has been worsening.  As of the last BLS reporting period - (Nov.-2013) - Wicomico County has 12,871 less jobs from February, 2011 through November, 2013 - yet the population is increasing.

Folks, we aren't making this stuff up, you can check out the information yourself at the Huffington Post Business website.
(click onto the link - and see the 10 worse US economies slide presentation)


  1. I can tell the economy is bad around here. There is no money circulating and what little money there is, is being consumed by higher taxes and fees. There are only a handful of jobs mostly in food & services sector. Wicomico has really been hit extremely hard by this depression.

  2. According to the slide presentation, Wicomico is right in there with Shreveport, LA and Decatur, IL. Wow!

  3. thanks Mayer and politt

  4. It's terrible. I've had 4 experiences lately that I've not ever seen before. One was an elderly couple who called about a used appliance we had advertised. They asked if they could make payments. We just gave it to them. Then in Food Lion a man had only $60 to spend and had to put some things back. I felt so bad I made up the less than $5 difference. Happened 2 more times in Family Dollar where the people didn't have enough money for their purchases. One was cat food so I made up the difference for the lady and just a few days ago, another lady only had a $10 bill and was going to have to put something back had I not been there to help her out.

    1. You my friend are a good man. God bless You.

  5. liberals at their best destroying America

  6. where is our local media how come they are not calling out the mayor on this

  7. top 100 communities

  8. Joe - it always amazes me as to how Sbynews is enabled to broadcast these events. Even national affiliates like The Huffington Post can pick-up on the information yet all the other local medias - (The DT, WBOC, WMDT)- seems to always 'cover around the fringes' never getting to the root of the problem.

    Thanks for a job well done.

  9. For everyone that has voted democrats in.. this is what you are getting...What do we hear from Annapolis about our economy.. nothing.. no environment to help create jobs... the opposite... they want to destroy the chicken industry.

    WHen wil people wake up!

  10. I have seen the employment numbers published by Salisbury News, I knew sooner or latter a national conglomerate would have to pick-up on this info, and now they have. I wonder how O'Malley is going to try and spin this.

  11. anonymous 8:34, EXACTLY!

    Don't forget your County Executive as well.

    Your local media is failing you. It's time to BOYCOTT them.

    They do NOT want you to know how bad things are. They want to sell you cars and furniture and that's it.

    They now COPY everything popular on Salisbury News and take a serious look. Notice how they ignore information like this article and articles from our past referencing unemployment.

    You want Dover news, you want it forced down your throat every day how they're proud to serve every damn community on the Shore, you just keep watching SHEEPLE.

  12. We're not supposed to talk about this! Everytime we mention a
    "negative" they have to create 10x the "positives" or some other BS to counter.

  13. I'm boycotting the whole bury. Lucky for me I got arrested by SPD for looking at a home for sale, that's how messed up things are, a potential buyer is automatically a potential burglar, and got outta my lease

  14. A friend of mine cornered Jim Matthias recently about the anti-business environment and millionaires leaving the state. He said of you don't like it, you can leave too. Read the headline in the post below. Despite local misery, "Week Five: Hearings on Transgender Bill, Inheritance Tax, Pit Bulls." Despite local misery, last year, they passed more gun control, gay marriage, increases on every fee and tax they could, and invented the rain tax. Not to mention drivers licenses and other giveaways to illegals.

  15. This is the stuff we need to know! These facts are being hidden from us and covered instead with fluff crap like an artist apartment complex, if we dont have a change of representation here and Annapolis we'll all be looking for "artist apartment complexes"


  17. Here's the first one for the week.

  18. Just read the article but couldn't find figures about the county. Am I looking in the wrong place?

  19. Secretary Hall told the Maryland Association of Counties that the sky is not falling. Obviously, he doesn't live in Wicomico County. Obviously, he is getting a big fat government paycheck, as the rural parts of the states fall in the crapper!

  20. anonymous 9:13, Salisbury IS in Wicomico County. Don't try to soften or twist things. In fact, Salisbury creates the HIGHEST income for the County.

  21. Do we honestly believe this is because of Sandy as the article states? But I love that you are quoting Huffington Post!

  22. anonymous 9:19, Even I have to admit I was extremely shocked they used hurricane Sandy as the excuse.

    Plain and simple, the leadership through the Mayor and County Executive are the main reasons why Salisbury and Wicomico County are failing.

    Mind you, the economy plays a huge part as well but the Mayor and Executive have IGNORED JOBS. They are NOT business friendly.

    Ireton is so desperate he is trying to sell off ALL assets the City Taxpayers Own. Don't be fooled. IF those properties are sold, he see's the new tax revenue brought in as well, so he'll sell them for pennies on the dollar in the hope of collecting more money in taxes so they can spend more.

    The Waste Water Treatment Plant can't handle what is coming through there now. The ONLY way they can sell off and develop more is by shutting down and discouraging LARGE volume users. You watch, Perdue will be next to leave. ONE car wash on Rt. 13 has closed. OPEN YOUR EYES PEOPLE.

  23. Joe, I am usually a fan, but you seem to be very intent on placing the blame on elected officials rather than the state of the economy. One might think you are running for election!

  24. This is really scary. I to can tell the economy is really bad around here. When you see it being published nationally, it should a wake-up call to our leaders to embark upon a different path.

  25. WOW that don't look too good for those of us just getting by and I dont see any of our elected officals trying to do anything about it. What was it that govenor said onetime? Were on the shithouse side of the bay. Thats exactly how Annopolis sees us and unfortunately our local politians go along with it. Time for some changes!

  26. This stuff is a prerequisite for running for higher office {gov, senator, pres}, the more taxing and destroying everything within reach....the better for your resume.
    I can hardly wait for the day SHTF...just to see the mobs down Polk road.

  27. anonymous 9:39, Are you serious?

    The ECONOMY, (according to the LIBERALS) is on the REBOUND.

    WE continue to deliver HARD FACTS proving that is NOT the case here on the Shore.

    WHY, because we are NOT business friendly. Because we have driven OUT any and all large salary good paying jobs.

    While Ireton and Pollitt INCREASE the size of government, INCLUDING PAY INCREASES and EMPLOYEES, (like a 3rd County Attorney) many people continue to suffer financially, hence a 400% increase in foreclosures.

    No, I'm NOT running for anything. THIS IS SALISBURY NEWS and it it our JOB to deliver such information.

    Oh, you can stop the crap about being a big fan. It's pretty obvious you come from the Ireton/Pollitt camp.

  28. SBY News ain't skeered.

  29. Pollitt and Ireton plan to generate high-paying jobs by taxing taxpayers, hiring another attorney and increasing their own salaries

  30. Go mom! Yeah! (no really, I mean go as in get out of here.)

  31. Have you noticed the stench outside after a snow melt or a rain? It's awful? Why? It didn't used to be.

  32. You know I see a lot of people publishing negative comments directed at Joe.

    However, I wonder why many of you are so quick to take the passive pass-offs by our so-called expert authorities, when in fact, these so called experts attributed so much to our sagging economies. Has it ever occurred to any of you that these so called experts are not experts?

    If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it must be a duck.

    I saw replace all of them. The empirical evidence doesn't lie.

  33. 9:57:
    Nobody else gets pay increases. That takes a lotta nerve!

  34. There are so many vacant buildings around Salisbury. Hordes of them. The Huffington article does not surprise me at all. Everyone knows that we are in a depression except those that are in office.

  35. The facts are the facts the mayor and the county executive are killing wiicomico County people wake the hell up .Sheep.

  36. You know the most puzzling thing for me is that all this information is available to Huffington and other media but why do our elected officials not pay attention but continue to spend more and consequently need to tax more. A prime example is the county wanting to hire a 3rd attorney. Let them make due with what they have. Mr.Strausburg came from private business and he knows better than this.

  37. It's more like Huffington Post copied SBY News! Joe has been providing this info at least once a month for an extended period of time. Sometimes the truth hurts, however I would rather suffer the truth than be lied to!

  38. Rick has failed but I am not giving my vote to Culver. Wish someone else would run.

  39. Mr. Strausburg also knows better than to expend the tremendous amount that was allocated for the fleets of new vehicles and equipment during last budget session. I don't understand why they presented the forecast they did when most other sources were forecasting a different one. Very troubling. Wicomico County can go belly up just in case they don't realize it.

  40. "You know the most puzzling thing for me is that all this information is available to Huffington and other media but why do our elected officials not pay attention but continue to spend more and consequently need to tax more"

    I know. Isn't that something 10:51? They would rather lie and accentuate the "positives."
    What asinine backwards thinking that is. Great people/real problem solvers admit to problems and face them head on.

  41. There needs to be a town meeting to discuss this issue right here in SBY. Any conservative politicians covering our district that care what is happening to this town and surrounding county need to be invited. Joe you could be the MC for the event. Just put out the call for supporters of this idea, I am sure there are some of us that would help in whatever way possible.

  42. The economy is bad around here because it's an area filled with uneducated, lazy people. Look at how many are on "disability" (looking at you, JT).

  43. This whole area is set up to fail. We have the angle transportation wise between major Metropolitan areas and there isn't even a decent truck stop or a facility that is welcoming to the truckers or the tourists.

    We have a County Parks Dept that runs events that for years have failed to turn a profit and each event has it's own Manager and staff that are employed all year. They were buying up property in the spirit of Martin O'Malley who claimed a revenue deficit when he was buying up premium property from his patrons at a rate of over 5 Billion a year. Maryland needs to sell assets not cry for more revenues. We need an analysis of how much per citizen is spent on Parks and Recreation and if they have long term obligations for acquired properties.

    The County Health Dept is one bureaucratic quagmire that if you visit either facility after lunch on a Friday the place is literally empty. I guess we can instead look forward to more Speed and Stop light technology. In all reality if things do improve ever so slightly we will just look forward to the public sector to demand more for themselves and their whims like our overstaffed Sheriff's Department.

  44. Joe are you still running for county executive? Obviously we need you in there bad. Don't let them rig the election again this year.

  45. And as the federal stimulus is drawn down - (previously 85 billion p/m currently 65 billion per month) - the local budgets will get even more constricted.

    You can't keep printing fiat currency month after month after month. It will catch-up to you sooner or latter.

  46. To 10:58 - you are correct. I am sure the search robots have caught-on to GMP numbers that Salisbury News posted a while back. The GMP - (Gross Metro Product) - numbers tell the whole story. It is similar to the GDP but the GMP number tells how well a population can sustain capital improvement budget and government spending. This is very alarming news and ought to serve as a wake-up call for all Wicomico citizens.

  47. And yet the administration is proposing pay raises in a time of economic crisis like this. I read about the same happening in places like San Bernardino, CA where the county officials road on the backs of the taxpayers. If it happened there it can happen here.

  48. JT epitomizes the phrase White Trash, 11:27. His only answer is if you don't like it then move. Well that's quite easy for him and his wife who don't have a pot to take a piss in to do, but a lot of people who would like to move from the area have also invested in the area by buying a house or opening a business. It's not so easy for them to pick up and move.
    Day in and day out he proves what an ignoramus he is. His only goal in his miserably life is to do and say the opposite of what is going on with this site. He is such a coward that if you challenge him he won't approve the comment.

  49. That car wash on 13 (Soft Touch) was AWFUL.

    Terrible service/attitude, high price, crappy cleaning job, and lazy, and terrible workers. Good riddance.

    Nowhere as good as the Soft Touch up north.

    Blame it on the workers, not on the Exec/Mayor on THAT one.

  50. At least George Bush's stimulus was treasury checks to taxpayers. Want stimulus, empower the people.

  51. 12:16 PM:

    And therein lies his weakness. He will not engage in debate, will not write or even parrot cogent analyses, and will not attempt to do more than weakly throw stones at whatever he doesn't understand. Pathetic.

  52. I totally agree with 11:27 AM that we need a town meeting, and not one that the city/county council sponsors. One where you can actually talk if you want to without any repercussions. And one that Joe MC's.

  53. 12:43 PM:

    Get busy and set one up!

  54. Dow is now down over 200 Points and Nasdaq is down almost 70 Points - yet the economy is on the rebound.

  55. 1:26 and maybe you can help him set it up.

  56. Ok folks read this carefully....ITS TOO LATE!!!!! Decades of standing by in pretending that tourism and farming are all the shore needs has failed. Now as jobs and now people leave the finger pointing has begun. Folks this is a several decades old mess that is a train wreck in slow motion. So you all keep pointing fingers and when the last good job leaves Delmarva pat your selves on the back because only you born here( don't know anything else ) will be all that's left... And there don't be much.

    1. We born here's got along just fine before you come here's found us. We would get along just fine without you, we always have.


  58. better listen advertishers with DT n WBOC because your political buddies who's backside you lick are useless.. they publish useless info useless your articles that lack any local value...your cowards...afraid to look into the real news.. you'll get what you deserve and see it in your wallet .....the boycott is on

  59. With all the negative problems we have locally, This is a good place to recognize the positive contributions of the Civic Center to the community. Without it, we would have NO tourism $ coming in. and the best part of it is that it's fees are set high enough to pay its own way AND return $ to the county AS WELL AS bringing outside $ to the area.

  60. First of all the come here's are the ones who kept this area afloat for as long as it has, you born here's don't that. Why do you think the area is sinking? The come here's are leaving and tourists are going elsewhere.... The civic center doesn't draw the tourism you might think. The events there generally attract locals except for maybe the dog show. Shut down the 2 bypasses for 6 months and see how things change. People equals money, jobs, and progress. That's not to say the politics don't help. Stop electing the Mathias types and you might even right the sinking ship.

  61. If it wasn't for the come here's there would be nothing here.....

  62. Thank you DICK Pollitt!

  63. Yeah 10:16 PM robbing the county blind and promoting the good old boy net work. The days of stealing tires and fuel are over.

  64. 11:03 - Thank you for recognizing the Dog Show for contributing to the economy of the area. In fact, the Salisbury MD Kennel Club hosts the Poodle Show for a week of dog shows, also hosts the November week of dog shows (Talbot Kennel Club, SMKC, and Mispillian Kennel Club) and holds 12 agility trials per year in Fruitland, all of which bring in "outside" tourist dollars.


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