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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Public Schools Are Preparing America’s Children For Life In A Police State

Our children are the future of America, and our public schools are systematically training them to become accustomed to living in a “Big Brother” police state. All across the United States today, public schools have essentially become “prison grids” that are run by control freaks that are absolutely obsessed with micromanaging the lives of their students down to the smallest detail.

As you will read about below, students all over the country are now being monitored by RFID microchips, their lunches are being inspected on a daily basis by school administrators, and the social media accounts of students are being constantly monitored even when they are at home. Of course these sorts of things do not happen everywhere just yet, but on the path that we are on it is just a matter of time. At this point, many of our public schools very closely resemble “totalitarian dictatorships”, and so if the United States ever slips into totalitarianism the students of today will actually feel very comfortable under that political system.



  1. again I say SO WHAT?

    Are you going to be the one to stop all of this? are you the one who will take action?

    OF COURSE NOT so again I say SO WHAT?

    whats the point in writing about it or talking about it if you won't even take action against it?
    you are the problem too not just the people doing all of this because you let it happen...

  2. 1:26, Really? Do you understand this is a blog and Joe posts articles taken from all parts of the internet to EDUCATE the readers. He reports/you decide. Don't be so clueless.

    If you see this is wrong and it may be happening to your children, grandchildren, etc. then do something about it. If you don't care and don't want to do anything about it then shut up.
    I don't think you understand the purpose of this blog.

    Thank you for the post (story) and I will do what I can to write, call and email to make a difference. If everyone did this it WILL make a difference.

  3. Right. Writing all those e-mails and making all those calls sure has made a difference in the way the government works in Ukraine. It made one hell of a difference when 50,000 people showed up in Annapolis to protest the Nazi gun laws. The "will of the people"? They LAUGH at you and your "e-mails" of protestation. Laugh. Why? Because they are in power and are, in no way, concerned or afraid of a "mean letter".
    Keep calling.
    I'll keep buying guns and ammo. THAT'S what they are REALLY afraid of....


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