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Wednesday, February 05, 2014

'Princeton Review' Names SU a 'Best Value'

SALISBURY, MD---The Princeton Review, in partnership withUSA Today, has named Salisbury University among its Top 80 “Best Value” Public Colleges in the nation for 2014.

The accolade comes on the heels of Kiplinger’s Personal Finance’s recently naming SU among its Top 100 “Best Values in Public Colleges.”

The Princeton Review lauds SU’s “stellar academic programs coupled with the benefit of a state school price tag.”


  1. what value? Poorly educated public schools kids walking around with iPods in their ears all day...judging from the way they speak and act, I think they need their money back.

  2. What about Columbia Southern University where your wanna be fire chief got his online so called degree.

    Then you have the wannabe Assistant City Administrator who has 2 fake online degrees. Joe I am surprised you are not all over that. The paper even says this clown is nothing but a community organizer like Ireton's idol Obama.

    "Arrington worked jobs during the day while pursuing higher education. He studied international business at Strayer University and received a master’s in public administration from another for-profit school, Walden University."

  3. maybe for out of state students. they want more money so they leave the local in state students out. Should not be called a state school and made to give up all state funding till they start taking in state students over out of staters!

  4. Negative comments already. How about a little pride in one of the best things Salisbury has going for it.

  5. Put up Guard Towers and lock them in the facility/ This is Salisbury Correctional FacilityFebruary 5, 2014 at 1:02 PM

    They walk in front of moving Traffic like Geese...They part all night until the Sun comes up disturbing all neighbors, the walk up and down Camden Avenue screaming and hollering b/w 2 AM and 4 AM; smashing Mail Boxes and stealing lawn items, and the list goes on...

  6. What a bunch of POT HEADS at Salisbury StateFebruary 5, 2014 at 1:10 PM

    1:02 PM...you must have meant they PART ALL NIGHT UNTIL THE SUN COMES UP...I believe...

    While their professors stand out on Route 13 with signs saying: "The Economy in problems is George Bushes fault" and "DISARM AMERICA TO STOP VIOLENCE"

  7. @1:10

    Yea, that's never happened but nice try.

    I'm proud to be from the shore, Salisbury Alum and gainfully employed. Sometimes I wish the school would pack up and move just so I could watch Salisbury further implode in on itself but that would not be fair to the people who don't come here posting nasty and negative things about the University.

  8. Salisbury University is first rate, what is wrong wit hyou nay sayers?

  9. Anonymous Put up Guard Towers and lock them in the facility/ This is Salisbury Correctional Facility said...
    They walk in front of moving Traffic like Geese...They part all night until the Sun comes up disturbing all neighbors, the walk up and down Camden Avenue screaming and hollering b/w 2 AM and 4 AM; smashing Mail Boxes and stealing lawn items, and the list goes on...

    February 5, 2014 at 1:02 PM

    Are you talking about Bennett High School kids? That is exactly what they do.

  10. Anonymous said...

    Yea, that's never happened but nice try.

    I'm proud to be from the shore, Salisbury Alum and gainfully employed. Sometimes I wish the school would pack up and move just so I could watch Salisbury further implode in on itself but that would not be fair to the people who don't come here posting nasty and negative things about the University.

    February 5, 2014 at 1:19 PM

    That has happened and I have seen it and so have thousands of others. Quit being so stupid and naïve.


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