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Sunday, February 09, 2014

Police: Man Stuns Woman, Rapes Her: Mayor Jim Ireton's Father

A 73-year-old man was arrested for using a stun gun to incapacitate a woman and then raping her, Prince William County police said.

The woman, 52, told police that she and the man, whom she knew, got into an argument that escalated. He then used a stun gun on her and sexually assaulted her, police said.

James Ireton (Courtesy of Prince William County Police)
She called police Monday at 12:30 to report the incident.

James P. Ireton of the 13500 block of Tallyrand Way in Gainesville was charged with abduction with intent to defile, forcible sodomy and malicious wounding. The stun gun and other evidence was seized from his home, police said.

He was held without bond and has a court date April 13.


  1. Holy crap that's Jim Iretons father.What a sick sob.

  2. Is it really "our" Ireton's father? I can't stand "our" Ireton's politics but if this is his father I do feel bad for him.

  3. This explains Ireton's behavior in Mojo's and other bars.

  4. That's about the only way he's getting any. Doubt it worked for him. POS

  5. Anger management is an important skill learned from childhood. One can't go off just because of not getting one's way.

  6. No wonder Ireton is so screwed up.

  7. This isn't the first time he has been in trouble now is it?

  8. Mmm , sure looks like Ireton , is it really?
    If so , you got a lot of splain N to do lucy.

  9. Is this really our boy mayors father?

  10. Goes to show you The Mayor's hatred to Woman and his love to MEN...

  11. If you had any doubt about this being the boy mayors father check out the names. James P. Ireton and James P. Ireton, Jr. as stated in this judicial case report of Jim Liartons. Ironically this is not a lie. If I was Jim Ireton I would want to crawl under a rock and die. Like father like son. Two Freaking Perverts!!

    Circuit Court of Maryland

    Court System: Circuit Court for Wicomico County - Civil System
    Case Number: 22C13001851
    Title: Chambers vs Salisbury City Mayor & City Council, et al

    Case Status: Open/Active

    Plaintiff/Petitioner Information
    Name: Chambers, Lore L
    Address: 5586 Scottish Highlands Circle
    City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21801

    Party Type: DefendantParty

    Name: Ireton, Jr, James P

    Address: 125 North Division Street
    City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21801

  12. daddy had a thing for jim

  13. Joe this has got to be moved back to the top. Everyone needs to see that James P. Ireton, Jr. gets his sick sadistic perversion honest.

  14. I recall a similar incident not to long ago involving this same individual. His face, age, and nature of the crime are hard to forget.

  15. At least he likes women more that than men...

    1. He might not 5:59. Notice he sodomized her.

  16. Well, our Mayor's name is James P. Ireton, Jr.....

  17. Wow, so Dad doesn't respect women, either! Huh! I guess the fruit doesn't fall far from the tree!

    And yes, pun very intended!


  18. Albero, you are one mentally twisted man.

  19. Joe this needs to stay at the top for everyone to see. If you ever get soft and think it doesn't just think about what Jim Ireton did to you and your family by stealing your domain name and posting stories and pictures about your and your family for the world to see. Everyone needs to see this about Jim Ireton and his father. They are both sick perverts. Please move it to the top.


  20. Chuck Cook said...
    Albero, you are one mentally twisted man.

    February 8, 2014 at 6:35 AM

    You didn't think that when you were posting those nasty comments on that website you created for Joe during the City Election!!

  21. Thank you Joe for posting this! It is important to know what kind of person this boi mare and his father is.

  22. Someone should kindly log into the Washington Post and let the viewers know that this man is the father of Salisbury, Maryland Mayor Jim P. Ireton, Jr.

  23. I wonder if Jimbeau will try to pull some political obammie strings to get this erased from that liberal news site? Screen capture time.

  24. I think it is terrible that so many people bash the mayor for something his father may have done. It has nothing to do with him! His sexual preference should have absolutely nothing to do with his ability to do the job for which he was elected. I am NOT commenting on his mayoral duties. So many small-minded, cruel people on this blog....

  25. 7:54, it's called DNA. Just like if your parents get cancer or heart disease, you're more apt to yourself. I wonder if jimmy wants to shut down the red light because he doesn't want to see his dad shopping for stun guns.

  26. anonymous 7:54, it's about the mannerisms. Look back over the years how Jim Ireton treats WOMEN. Debbie Campbell, Terry Cohen and let's not forget Lore' Chambers.

    Let's look back at how he carried himself at MoJo's and the ladies room incident.

    These are just some of the things that reflect who Jim Ireton actually is. Oh, shame on US for bringing such information to the forefront.

    Let's not forget Jim Ireton's obsession with ME. The fact that he admitted to owning a Website in my name attacking me and my Family. OH, it was OK for you wet pants liberals for him to play that game but it's not OK for me to bring forth Jim's history???

    Karma is a BIOTCH and quite frankly this is just the beginning. Your Mayor has mental problems. He has anger issues and quite frankly after allegedly throwing a book at a student and getting fired over it in Baltimore, the Mayor is a liability and shouldn't be teaching children, let alone running a City.

  27. http://www.delmarvanow.com/assets/pdf/A72142051024.pdf

  28. the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. like father like son.

  29. Hateful are the people writing such nasty comments in which we have rejected. If they were decent enough there's be more than 100 on this Post so far.

    Bully's are the anonymous people making comments threatening my Family.

    Facts are, this was the #1 Post yesterday and remains #1 today because the MAJORITY want to know the TRUTH.

    I'll never forget when my Father In Law used to write Letters to the Editor in the Daily Times years ago. At the very end of each letter they's say, Art Goetz is the Father of Jennifer Albero who is SUING the City of Salisbury.

    Did YOU ever hear about this in the Daily Times? Heck, I didn't even know about it until yesterday. Not that it would have made any difference during the election because it would have only produced more votes for me, in which once reversed came back to Jim anyway. Kinda glad I didn't have the information because it would have really thrown the numbers in his favor worse than it already did. LOL

  30. Daily Times only reports reprinted court documents after someone is found guilty. They may as well not even print it then because everyone has known about it for months thanks to the blog sites. Why do we even need a local paper anymore? Same can almost be said about local TV stations as well.

  31. Next time I see the gayor of smallsberry out at a straight bar, I won't be able to refrain from screaming, "don't taze me bro!"

  32. 11:44 -- You seem to forget that not everyone has a computer. Many older folks also shy away from the techonlogy and prefer a newspaper or magaine in their hands.

  33. Anonymous said...
    You are sick.

    February 7, 2014 at 12:08 PM

    Who is sick?

  34. Anonymous said...
    Is it really "our" Ireton's father? I can't stand "our" Ireton's politics but if this is his father I do feel bad for him.

    February 7, 2014 at 12:19 PM

    Why would you feel sorry for Jim, Jr.? They are both sick perverts. Jim Jr. beats up on women, hates women, exposes himself to female employees of the City of Salisbury in the Women's restroom of Mojo's bar, has oral sex with men, has anal sex with men, runs away from the Rehoboth Beach Police after getting caught having sex on the beach with another male, created a fake website to bash Joe Albero, his wife, and grandson and you feel bad for Jim P. Ireton, Jr. What a sick piece of human excrement you are!!

  35. 2-8-14
    Ireton is the probverbial acorn
    that didn`t fall far from the tree. Jr. is homosexual which is STILL a crime In Md.,Del.,& Va. He flaunts it and you people suck it up. You voted for him knowing what you were getting.His morals
    now exposed are in fact what you people want running Salisbury. I hope you are All happy and I know
    the Griers, the Adkins, and the Hollands who built Salisbury are face down in their graves so you bunch of dolts can kiss their ass.

  36. James Peter Ireton
    76 years old
    Gainesville, VA

    Their middle name is Peter! LMAO

  37. I am sorry for the victim.

  38. Daddy was charged with Sodomy. Sodomy is anal sex in most cases. The fruitcake son gets it honest.

  39. Anyone who delights in the suffering of others is sick. Or evil. You choose.

  40. that is what jimmy will look like in 30 years

  41. Anonymous said...
    Albero, you are one mentally twisted man.

    February 8, 2014 at 6:35 AM

    I would say the man that puts his male reproductive organ in another mans bacteria laden excretory canal is a mentally twisted man. Touche!

  42. Anonymous said...
    I think it is terrible that so many people bash the mayor for something his father may have done. It has nothing to do with him! His sexual preference should have absolutely nothing to do with his ability to do the job for which he was elected. I am NOT commenting on his mayoral duties. So many small-minded, cruel people on this blog....

    February 8, 2014 at 7:54 AM

    Unfortunately for you Bozo Ireton isn't doing the job he was elected to do. It has been nearly 6 years and he has been a complete failure. Look at the department head promises and nightmares. The police chief, the fire chief, the public works head, the acting City Administrator, the assistant city administer, the law suit from Dr. Chambers and the list goes on. Every department head position Jim Ireton has moved forward has been a complete failure. The fire chief fiasco has been by far the worst.

  43. Why did Jim Ireton "hire" an assistant city administrator in no time and has yet to "hire" a real, qualified City Administrator. The clown that Jim Ireton hired as the assistant city administrator isn't qualified to run a lemonade stand. His credentials are from a fake for profit college and he has no paid job experience at all. A community organizer is the buzz word and Jim proved he is a racist, by hiring a black male. If he had a brain he would have hired a black female to replace Lore Chambers. Even more proof that Ireton hates women.

  44. This freak needs to go away and never see the light of day.

  45. Sadly....sexual misconduct is often learned behavior.

  46. Let's see... by now we should be almost ready to swim in the river!

  47. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Jim has been F ing us all without consent

  48. James Peter and James Peter, Jr. are some very sick individuals and you Democrat clowns voted for Peter, Jr. Heck I know some idiot Republicans that voted for that Homo. Darn RINO's.

  49. Any Republican that has the audacity to vote for this Obama Loving Homo needs to be sent to Kenya with Liarton and Obama. You people are a threat to our nation.

  50. All Of You Make Me Sick. Mayor Jim Is A Good Man. I Know Him Personally. He Does Not Hate Women. Yes That Is His Father But If You Pulled Your Head Out Of Your Ass For A Minute And Stopped Assuming, You Might Know That Jim And His Sisters Never Had Much Of A Relationship With Him. Jims Mother Took Her Children And Left After realizing What Kind Of A monster The Man Above Is. All Of You Are Monsters Too And Im Ashamed To Live In The Same Place As A Bunch Of Nasty Bigots That Have Nothing Better To Do Than gossip. This Entire Site Is Like A Middle School Girls bathrooSadm. It's sad

  51. a comment worthy of a postFebruary 12, 2014 at 6:07 PM

    WHAT THE HELL!!!!!

    oops I mean wth, this is THREE YEAR OLD NEWS.

    Kind of reminds me of a family I know. A POS for a man fathered 4 boys and a girl by a gentle and kind very special lady. The man kicked his family to the curb. So the very special Christian Mother raised her five children getting strength from her faith in her Lord, while her ex-husband raised step daughters.

    Four of the five kids who were raised by the single loving Mom grew up to be decent upstanding citizens each now raising fine families of their own. But the fifth child, a boy, grew up and became a POS just like his dear old Dad. POS2 has raised two boys plus his wife’s two boys and each has turned out to be like Daddy and the Daddy’s Daddy. Just Peices O S who are a menace to society. The lovely good Mother, now deceased, died from working so hard trying to clean up the messes caused by all those POS.

  52. Anonymous a comment worthy of a post said...
    WHAT THE HELL!!!!!

    oops I mean wth, this is THREE YEAR OLD NEWS.

    Kind of reminds me of a family I know. A POS for a man fathered 4 boys and a girl by a gentle and kind very special lady. The man kicked his family to the curb. So the very special Christian Mother raised her five children getting strength from her faith in her Lord, while her ex-husband raised step daughters.

    Four of the five kids who were raised by the single loving Mom grew up to be decent upstanding citizens each now raising fine families of their own. But the fifth child, a boy, grew up and became a POS just like his dear old Dad. POS2 has raised two boys plus his wife’s two boys and each has turned out to be like Daddy and the Daddy’s Daddy. Just Peices O S who are a menace to society. The lovely good Mother, now deceased, died from working so hard trying to clean up the messes caused by all those POS.

    February 12, 2014 at 6:07 PM

    What the heck are you talking about??

  53. So let me start by saying i don't really have strong feelings one way or another for Joe or Jim. I think that they both come off a bit whiney sometimes (but we all do sometimes lol) and usually i have more important things to worry about. I do find it interesting that people keep saying the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I come from a very religious family. My father was a baptist minister my mother a choir director. Not many people know more about the Bible than I do haha. My parents were amazing God loving people. However i am gay, my brother has been in jail and my sister is divorced. Now, how does that logic apply here? I am not bashing anyones opinion i am just trying to understand what in my opinion seems to be a bit of misguided logic.

    Thanks for your time!

  54. 11:44 That's the christian way!

  55. Anonymous said...
    So let me start by saying i don't really have strong feelings one way or another for Joe or Jim. I think that they both come off a bit whiney sometimes (but we all do sometimes lol) and usually i have more important things to worry about. I do find it interesting that people keep saying the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. I come from a very religious family. My father was a baptist minister my mother a choir director. Not many people know more about the Bible than I do haha. My parents were amazing God loving people. However i am gay, my brother has been in jail and my sister is divorced. Now, how does that logic apply here? I am not bashing anyones opinion i am just trying to understand what in my opinion seems to be a bit of misguided logic.

    Thanks for your time!

    February 13, 2014 at 11:06 AM

    Growing up throughout the South I have known the families of many Baptist Ministers and this is typical of that type of family. Anyone can be ordained a Baptist Minister and they typically have the worst family. Logic? You are mentally ill and you have extremely poor grammar. Not surprised that your brother has been in jail and you are a sinner and a law breaker. Gay sex is illegal in this state. You are just as disgusting as James Peter, Sr. and James Peter, Jr.

    Yuk! I feel like I have to go take a shower now.

  56. Anonymous said...
    11:44 That's the christian way!

    February 13, 2014 at 12:24 PM

    Let me guess. You hate Christians.

  57. I said I was gay. I never said anything about having gay sex. And yes my grammar might be poor but i am pretty sure God doesnt care. I believe that the first people in line for hell are the ones telling everyone else that they are going there. Oh, and i am assuming that you have never told a lie in your life or coveted something...b/c those are also sins. I like to live life with this thought in mind....do more gooder. I hope God blesses your hardened heart and hope that you are able to live a peaceful life. And shower all you want but your sin is still there as is mine and anyone else who doesnt know the Lord.

  58. Oh and my parents loved us all of their children. And yes anyone can be a minister but not everyone can be a good one. The main requirement is the ability to love all people. Yes ALL people. I am grateful that i was fortunate enough to have parents who taught me that.

  59. 1:10 PM if you are gay I am pretty sure you have gay sex and you are disgusting and so is your buddy Jim Ireton. Gross!

  60. Joe you should repost this as a Throw Back Post including the comments. They are all very interesting to read.



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