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Sunday, February 09, 2014

PETA Demands Joe Namath Donate His Coat, So They Can Give It A Funeral

Seriously. These people are completely nuts.

Yesterday, we discussed the fact that PETA spent the entirety of the Super Bowl flipping out because Joe Namath dared to wear a fur coat. We figured that would be the end of it. The safe assumption was that PETA would return to its busy euthanization schedule, and the world would move on. Sadly, we underestimated the level of crazy to which PETA aspires.

Last night, PETA again took to Twitter and demanded that Namath hand over his coat the horrific bundle of skin, so that they could give it "a proper burial."


  1. Dear PETA,
    Go to hell,
    Most people

  2. Meanwhile in Sochi stray dogs are being obliterated , meanwhile Muslims torture and annhilate dogs , Meanwhile wind turbines slaughter millions of songbirds and thousands of eagles. PETA itself destroys animals by the thousands. PETA is just another progressive hypocritical terrorist group like GLAAD, Code Pink etc.

  3. 9:31 - AMEN!!!!!!!! Don't do it Joe!!!! TEll Peta to go @#%& themselves!!! I am so sick and tired of people like them!!!
    Tell them they have a neck, if they like to look at it, use their neck to turn their head!!!

  4. He doesn't have to give it to PETA but man he looks awful in that thing

  5. People Eating Tasty Animals=PETA
    The coat was great Joe, just like you used to wear years ago.

  6. if peta is so upset why don't they send out some of those naked girls to protest! I'm sure we'll all give them their 5 mins of fame!

  7. Sbys News finest commenters all bunched together in one article, spewing their ignorance and hate. A fine sampling of our village idiots.

  8. cant wear an animal?...but I bet most PETA members eat part of an animal at least twice everyday...hey dumb*sses your leather shoes/boots/purse/car seats/whatever, are the same thing...just without hair

    big mike

  9. Joe is still cool and peta still sucks

  10. I hate Joe for beating my Colts, but man he rocks that coat, go Joe go.

  11. People Eating Tasty Animals...

  12. I thought the fur was synthetic,or fake fur.I'm still not 100% sure,but he certainly would have admitted it under pressure so I must be wrong.

  13. It's all about MONEY! Every time organizations like this get the gullible news agencies to publish their crap, some fools send them money because they think they are doing the right thing. Their actions belie their words. Such is the state of affairs in the world. Too many liars and thieves in pursuit of the almighty dollar.


  14. 6:03

    what's a badass lib like you doing up so early?

    is it WIC card cashing day?

  15. thanks 9:49. You beat me to it.

  16. The best part about PETA is Pamela Anderson with no clothes! Oh Yea go Pammy!

  17. I just wanna know ONE thing!

    How does he keep that trim so white?


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