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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Panicked Shoppers Fight Over Food Amid ‘Snowpocalypse’

Empty shelves in Atlanta merely foreshadow future mass panic in America

Atlanta residents ransacked neighborhood grocery stores in frantic preparation for their second major snowstorm of the year, waging fights over food items and leaving destruction and empty shelves in their wake, a stunning precursor to what will ensue once a major crisis impacts the US.

After three inches of snow shut the city down two weeks ago, causing major havoc and leaving miles of cars stranded on immobile roadways, the residents of Atlanta took heed and shopped early.

According to people who Tweeted photos of barren store shelves, residents went crazy over essentials like milk, bread, water and eggs, and in some cases “people were fighting. Yes fighting,” alleges one user.



  1. Pay Per View missed out on this one.

  2. They fill up their carts as if the end of the world is coming. The power goes out and all their food spoils.

    Most people know the storm only lasts a day or two and you only get what you really need.

    I do not even bother going to the store anymore when bad weather is predicted and if I run out of milk I walk up to the corner store and get a pint.

    It is simply amazing how stupid people really are. Do you even wonder why politicians find it so easy to dupe most of them.

  3. 12:57, But O'Malley knows a state of emergency skyrockets business. So does WBOC.

  4. My job is to make sure there's ample dry firewood in the house, the generator is ready to go and a weeks supply of beer on hand. The toilet paper, milk and bread, are things we don't really need

  5. that's EXACTLY correct joe!!

  6. It's crazy when people say that they lost food during a snow storm or deep freeze. Just put it outside if you lose your electric and it will still stay frozen/cold. Same with beverages. We have an outside propane gas grill and always keep a full tank even in winter so we can still have a hot meal. I DO realize that this may not work for a week or more but at least we can eat. As far as heat goes, that's another story unless you have a fire place or a wood stove. Our emergency runs to the store are to make sure that the dogs have food.

  7. We have a really large solar grill,but if the batteries are dead and the sun isn't shining oh well.

  8. Just wait until there is nationwide emergency….


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