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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Ohio National Guard Training Envisions Right-Wing Terrorism

Documents from an Ohio National Guard (ONG) training drill conducted last January reveal the details of a mock disaster where Second Amendment supporters with “anti-government” opinions were portrayed as domestic terrorists.

The ONG 52nd Civil Support Team training scenario involved a plot from local school district employees to use biological weapons in order to advance their beliefs about “protecting Gun Rights and Second Amendment rights.”

Portsmouth Chief of Police Bill Raisin told NBC 3 WSAZ-TV in Huntington, West Virginia that the drill accurately represented “the reality of the world we live in,” adding that such training “helps us all be prepared.”

Internal ONG documents provided to Media Trackers after repeated delays provide further context to what WSAZ-TV reported last winter.



  1. So instead of preparing for the real terrorists, the Muslims and the current U.S. Government they portray Republicans as being terrorists and the bad guy. Portsmouth Chief of Police Bill Raisin is one cop that I wouldn't care if someone shot him dead because I have a feeling he would quickly shoot one of us.

  2. Our own soldiers practicing how to kill other Americans? THIS is what our military does now??? Are our own soldiers now people we have to fear, too? Will they just shoot men, or are women and children good targets, too?
    Obama has signed executive orders that give him complete control and command of the entire nation's electricity distribution (ask yourself "why"?), all transportation (rail, trucking, air, etc. and again, why?), and here's the REAL scary one ---- the power to forcibly "relocate" (where and how?) entire communities (at gunpoint).
    How much of this stuff needs to be exposed before you sheeple start thinking SOMETHING is going on and they ARE preparing for the subjugation of the citizenry?
    Keep cheering. It won't help you, but it will make you feel like a "goot citizen".
    They will still kill you.

  3. Every political assassin and every school shooter was either a liberal Democrat or raised by a liberal Democrat...But they're worried about the right wing?

  4. Aren't you the same people that have been spouting about armed revolution on this site and others for 5 years now? But now you are surprised? LOL

  5. do you also realize that Obama and his admin has been "cleaning out" our military of those that will not come against the American Citizens? they are down into the rank of Lieutenants. this is very serious my friends. some, not all, are beginning to disclose this. the stories are out there.

  6. 4:35...no of us are surprised, except by people like you, who think we were making all this up....you know, you're favorite (and trite) "tin-foil hat" line??
    Like I've said before, a tin foil hat beats a set of blinders any day. Just don't run to your neighbors house for protection when 5-6 armed thugs show up at your house to take your food and water (and your boyfriend, for some fun). Why?
    Because we told you to get ready. And you laughed. It just won't be the last laugh....

  7. Bet the BS rules of engagement used in Afghanistan and Iraq would not be used on Americans. It would be more like Ruby Ridge and Waco!

  8. What should frighten you most is the arrogance of ONG Director James Sims.
    "Sims said it was “not relevant” to understand why conservatives may feel unduly targeted". Yet, public officials apologize to environmentalist groups but not to the Ohioans supporting the US Constitution.
    That sounds suspiciously serious to me.
    Bridge that National Guard attitude with the Constitutional disregard attitude that plagues the police of our nation and we all have reason to fear.

  9. Portsmouth Chief of Police Bill Raisin is a bad cop, no donut! Hollow point instead.

  10. Anonymous said...
    do you also realize that Obama and his admin has been "cleaning out" our military of those that will not come against the American Citizens? they are down into the rank of Lieutenants. this is very serious my friends. some, not all, are beginning to disclose this. the stories are out there.

    February 12, 2014 at 4:39 PM

    People aren't paying attention. They are to stupid to realize this has been happening starting with our generals 6 years ago.

  11. lmclain said...
    4:35...no of us are surprised, except by people like you, who think we were making all this up....you know, you're favorite (and trite) "tin-foil hat" line??
    Like I've said before, a tin foil hat beats a set of blinders any day. Just don't run to your neighbors house for protection when 5-6 armed thugs show up at your house to take your food and water (and your boyfriend, for some fun). Why?
    Because we told you to get ready. And you laughed. It just won't be the last laugh....

    February 12, 2014 at 5:58 PM

    His boy friend will be their boi toy until they are done with him and then he will be beheaded.

  12. 110 up late penning your inner fantasy letters again huh


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