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Monday, February 24, 2014

Obama's War On Coal Hits States He Won Hardest

Twenty-one coal-fired power plants are slated to close in 2014, and the majority of those are located in states that voted for President Obamain 2008 and 2012, according to analysis of an Energy Information Administration report.

Twelve out of the 21 closing coal plants -- nearly 60 percent -- are located in states Obama carried in his presidential elections: Delaware,Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Nevada, Ohio and Pennsylvania. A total of 40 coal-powered generators are being retired.



  1. Hopefully, they will wake up and realize they voted for this....and use that as a lesson for the next set of elections.....

  2. Seeming as many of the states also have major issues with mercury and other contaminants in their water attributable to coal plants and other industrial sources, I'm sure many will applaud. On top of that, many of those same states are enjoying the benefits of the natural gas boom.

  3. Here is the CHANGE you voted for !


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