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Saturday, February 22, 2014

None Of The Top 10 Biggest Political Donors Are Republican

The Center for Responsive Politics (CRP) released its list of top all-time donors. It totaled contributions from 1989 to 2012 from PACs and individuals affiliated with the heavy hitter organizations.

CRP designated each of the heavy hitters as Democrat, Republican, or “on the fence,” meaning between 40 and 59 percent was donated to each party. In some cases, percentages did not add up to 100 due to third party donations.

None of the heavy hitters in the top 10 were Republican (three organizations in the top 10 were on the fence). A Republican-leaning organization did not make an appearance on the list until number 17.

Here are the top ten biggest political donors:



  1. But, But, But that is not what Rob Pagano, Chuck Cook and Jim Ireton are saying.

  2. You mean the evil Koch brothers aren't really running the world? That's not what the liberals tell us.

  3. Rob Pagano is a POS that hates Republican and he will do anything to make them look bad.


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