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Thursday, February 20, 2014

New Nuclear Plant In US

The Energy Department will approve a $6.5 billion loan for the first new nuclear power plant built in the United States in more than three decades. Secretary Ernest Moniz is expected to mention the deal at a speech today. Tomorrow he visits the plant, now under construction in eastern Georgia. It will cost about $14 billion in all. It's scheduled to open in 2018.


  1. Finally! Nuke power is the ONLY sustainable energy source that has a chance. Solar and wind are nice, but will never never be able to generate the power we need.

    Oh, and all the Fukishima propaganda you are reading about on InfoWars...all bought and paid for by...wait for it....the natural gas companies. They WANT you scared of nukes so you have to go to natural gas (and drive up the now insanely low price)...

    Yall need to see the doc "Pandoras Promise"

  2. we should have had 20 more of these in the works.

  3. 1115, Solar and wind are nice, but will never never be able to generate the power we need.

    You forget that folks said the same about nukes when we were first figuring out how to safely harness the technology. But yes, I agree, lets get these built

  4. Georgia, who cares what happens down there.

  5. Yeah let's make sure they build it on a known seismic fault line.


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