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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Network News Covers Up Party Affiliation Of Convicted Dem Criminal Nagin

Just another committed and convicted Democrat whose incompetence was used to smear a Republican president. And unlike Bush, Nagin actually didn’t care about the people in New Orleans.

None of the network evening newscasts identified ex-New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin as a Democrat when reporting on his conviction of 20 counts of corruption on Wednesday.

The ABC World News called him “the face and voice of a city in ruins” post-Katrina, and joined CBS in simply labeling him the “former mayor” of New Orleans without the Democratic label. As NewsBusters reported last year, all the same evening newscasts dropped the Democratic label at Nagin’s indictment.

And back in January, NBC showed a complete double standard by ignoring Nagin’s Democratic affiliation while reporting a GOP congressman’s resignation amidst scandal. The January 27 NBC Nightly News made sure to label Trey Radel a Republican as he resigned from Congress after pleading guilty to cocaine possession, but simply called Nagin “mayor of the city during Katrina.”



  1. Nagin was a Republican before he left office.

  2. 9:41
    No he was not. It was a rumor that was started by some media. They had to retract that later on.


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