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Monday, February 17, 2014

Napolitano: Impeachment Only Way to Stop Obama's Executive Actions

The only way to stop President Barack Obama from nullifying duly enacted laws is impeachment, says Judge Andrew Napolitano. The problem is, neither Congress nor the American public have the guts for it.

"The president is doing the opposite of what he was elected to do," Napolitano said Thursday on Fox News Channel's "Your World with Neil Cavuto." Napolitano is a former New Jersey Superior Court judge and a Fox News legal analyst.



  1. With Biden in the wings to take over if Obama was impeached, choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil.

  2. And he was unanimously elected by the popular vote and Electoral college,etc.What didn't they see in 2012 that had been evident during the prior 4 years?

  3. it will never happen. the emperor is black.

  4. all of the americans in the U.S.A. could vote republican and that POS obummer would still win.


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