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Sunday, February 16, 2014


WASHINGTON – Touting a report showing 44 school shootings nationally in the past 14 months, Maryland moms joined others on Capitol Hill Wednesday morning urging lawmakers to take action on gun control.

The event, sponsored by Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America and Mayors Against Illegal Guns, featured an analysis of school shootings since the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., in 2012.

The report documented 28 deaths and 37 non-fatal injuries in school shootings since Sandy Hook.

It also said that in the first six weeks of 2014 alone there were 13 school shootings, including one eight-day period in which there were four shootings in K-12 schools.


  1. Give me me your name + I will pay your way out of the CountryFebruary 13, 2014 at 12:35 PM

    Not a problem...move to a socialist Country

  2. do they even know anything about existing laws?
    how about if Jennifer had a gun when she was carjacked to defend herself?

    just because you do not want one, does not mean I should denied my rights

  3. I used to be proud to be from Maryland. I'm also grateful to have many friends who live in other States. Folks, we are being laugh at. Delaware is looking better all the time.

  4. How about more criminal control instead that makes more sense.

  5. I know my Mom and Wife are not calling the State of MD... This state is so screwed

  6. A shooting in 44 schools in the past 14 months. It is miniscule considering the thousands upon thousands of schools in this country.

    I am more concerned about my child being beat up and maimed by gang bangers that occur daily.

  7. Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

  8. Bloomberg will start up many, many more "new" organizations with Happy names just to implement his gun control everywhere. And welcome to Baltimore, the next Chicago. Already running on "Chicago Politics."

  9. These moms are absolutely clueless and sicken me.

  10. If these liberal moms were truly concerned about saving lives, they would be putting all their efforts towards anti abortion causes. No comparison in deaths.
    Get with it ... quit playing games

  11. What don't these a**holes understand?!!!!!! It's not the guns!

  12. hope these idiots don't mind but my wife and the mother of my children who lives in maryland appears to love her .357 magnum!
    bloomburg can go to hell!

  13. maybe we should outlaw cars also.more people are killed with them than guns.

  14. Guns don't kill people, people kill people!! Instead of gun control for the innocent people, how about gun education for the idiots trying to pass this?

    I'm a mom and I have taught both of my children to shoot/hunt responsibly by 8 yrs old. If you teach at an early age the curiosity is not there to explore on their own.

    I think every law abiding citizen should be able to carry.

  15. The fact is there were 25 times more srabbing. There was over 36 times more assault with objects other then the hand.

    Dont drink the kool aid. Pencils and pens are constantly used in assaults. I guess they could finger paint lol.

    These women need to find a real cause. I guess they could go back to watching Dr. Phil.

    How about as parents we talk to our children. Know where you firearm is at all times. Watch for signals or indicators that YOUR child is acting strangly. It is not a gun control issue. It is a lack of of parental guidance.

  16. You may be certain that being a member of these gun control organizations is a "well-paid" position.

  17. Even the ignorant and uninformed have the right to free speech in this country..what they dont realize is that the right was earned by patriots with guns that died fighting for that right. Silly stupid liberals. Gun control isnt about guns its about CONTROL.

  18. There are many, many incidents where school and other potential mass shootings were STOPPED by someone armed with a gun, a teacher, school security etc.

  19. Gun control should include controlling the number of carry individuals up to 100% in schools, theaters, and malls. Open meetings the same, as well as aircraft.

    When all are armed, all are polite.

    Can any0ne cite an example of this not working?


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