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Saturday, February 01, 2014

Md. Could Rescind 1861 Vote To Protect Slavery

ANNAPOLIS, Md. -- Several months before the U.S. Civil War, Maryland and three other states voted for a constitutional amendment protecting their right to allow slavery.

Sen. Brian Frosh is sponsoring a Senate joint resolution this session to rescind Maryland's vote. The resolution notes that the 13th Amendment and the Civil War's end have rendered the Corwin amendment moot.

At a hearing Thursday, the Montgomery County Democrat urged Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee colleagues to support the measure.


  1. Seriously???? This is what they work on instead of jobs, health insurance, minimum wage, and reducing taxes??? GIVE ME A BREAK!


  2. What a genius! Quick, someone buy him a DeLorean!

  3. This is great! Make them work for their welfare!

  4. Typical Democrat working on something that means diddly-squat!

  5. Creating controversy to draw attention is the oldest trick in the book,especially when it's this absurd.

  6. Do not work??? Do not EAT YOFebruary 1, 2014 at 4:52 PM

    Work is required according to our Bible...

  7. Problem is that there are still out there that will vote for this dufuss.

  8. Up to one-half of all the arrivals in the American colonies were Whites slaves and they were America's first slaves. These Whites were slaves for life, long before Blacks ever were. This slavery was even hereditary. White children born to White slaves were enslaved too. Per Michael A. Hoffman II

  9. Work on reducing taxes and creating jobs. This is a complete waste of time as no one is alive from when that vote took place and the current generation has no clue or care for this.

  10. Changing the vote for slavery of 1861 does not change history it only attempts to hide and obscure the truth and the facts of a State that desired slavery. It is your typical feel good left wing liberal diseased thought process.


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