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Monday, February 03, 2014

Maryland Ranks Among Worst States For Fiscal Health In George Mason Study

George Mason University
Maryland was ranked as having the 44th-worst financial condition in the U.S

As Gov. Martin O’Malley released his fiscal year 2015 budget Wednesday, Maryland was recognized for all the wrong financial reasons.

Maryland ranks in the bottom 10 — 44th to be exact — of states in terms of overall fiscal condition, according to a study by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.

States at the bottom of the list, including Maryland, can attribute that to years of poor financial management decisions, bad economic conditions, or a combination of both.

The study uses financial reporting data from 2012 to rank each state based on four solvency measures. Those measures include: cash solvency, budget solvency, long-run solvency and service-level solvency. Maryland ranked 40th or worse in three of the four measurable areas.

Cash solvency reflects the cash a state can easily access to pay its bills in the near term, while budget solvency is a state’s ability to create enough revenue to cover its expenditures over a fiscal year.


  1. Norman Conway is on the appropriations committee. He has absolutely no background in finance.

  2. Conway doesn't need a background in finance. He's a former teacher and also a Democrat. That means he's smarter than the rest of us.

  3. Bunch of dam crooks

  4. Yes, let's see them blame this study on conservatives.

    George Mason U. is hardly a right wing lunatic fringe institution.

  5. 2:29 Yup, straight from a very liberal institution. And Maryland has been run by the Democrats for almost 50 years now. Erhlich was a blip - and run out of office on lies.

    The people of Maryland must like having a one party state cuz that's the way they keep voting.

    My only regret is that I didn't move 20 years ago. It's a little hard for me now. But I keep praying for this once Free State.


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