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Thursday, February 13, 2014


ANNAPOLIS – Each day across the state, hundreds of thousands of motorists’ license plates are recorded, stamped with location and time, and disseminated to various local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies – sometimes to be retained indefinitely.

While local police departments throughout Maryland have developed agency-specific policies for the retention of this data, state and federal data ‘fusion centers’ are collecting this same information, oftentimes imposing retention policies that conflict with those of the local agencies, raising concerns regarding the privacy of citizens.

In 2012, law enforcement agencies in Maryland collected 85 million license plate records through mounted police cameras, stationary highway cameras, and other surveillance methods utilizing license plate recognition technology, according to the American Civil Liberties Union.


  1. i got pulled over by this once. ends up, i was the wrong person they were looking for.

  2. These troopers will race up on your tail-end trying to make you weave so they can stop youFebruary 13, 2014 at 4:32 PM

    4:18 pm...I find the Maryland State Police;

    particularly Berlin Barracks on the night shift,

    harass and annoy drivers on the road with expectations of creating large tax revenues for Maryland by inflated fines and tickets.

  3. MY TAX DOLLARS PAY FOR THISFebruary 14, 2014 at 4:22 AM

    4:32 comment: I have heard they do that to folks all the time...the legal term is called ENTRAPMENT.This stuff is happening more frequently now b/c the State Police have quotas and the trooper wants to get promoted.

  4. Keep cheering the total and complete, from outer space to your land line telephone, surveillance of hundreds of millions of Americans. INNOCENT of any crime, but being searched and recorded ("I swear to up hold and defend the Constitution", unless of course, you're talking about the 1st, 2nd, and 4th amendment).
    Seig heil!! (start practicing that-- not that it will help you at all, but the rest of us will know where you stand).

  5. Excellent technology. Americans hate getting caught redhanded. Unfortunately 4:22am, nothing you say is actually true.


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