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Monday, February 24, 2014

Maryland Has Achieved Its Health Insurance Enrollment Goal, Thanks To A Research Error

For months, it looked like Maryland would barely meet, or even miss, the first enrollment goal for its new health insurance exchange. But it turns out the goal was based on flawed data, and the state’s new goal is one that it has already beat.

Instead of signing up 260,000 Marylanders for private plans or Medicaid during the first enrollment period, as was the original goal, the state is only expected to get 160,000, according to a letter the exchange’s interim executive director received from researchers Friday. So far, sign-ups tally nearly 190,000.

It’s a convenient correction for a state that’s home to one of the lowest performing exchanges in the country, one that is so technically flawed that state officials say they might soon abandon all or part of a system that cost tens of millions dollars to build.


  1. This is known as creative accounting. So Maryland has signed up 190,000 people at a cost of 200 million bucks. We sure have some intelligent people working for us in Annapolis. Keep voting for Democrats people. This is what you get.

  2. It's funny how they can't simply say that X number of people have signed up through the health exchange. Instead they play the numbers game to skew the data because the concrete numbers that they have don't prove positive results (or at least not positive results for the O'Malley cult). Even still, the "nearly 190,000" that have signed up is hardly 3% of the population of Maryland! They are spending an obscene amount of money on this legislation and healthcare exchange program, but it is only benefiting (and use that term EXTREMELY loosely) a very small portion of the population.

    What these brilliant mathematicians also failed to calculated into their numbers is how many people are now uninsured because they got laid off or had their insurance dropped due to these new healthcare laws and had to go the exchange for health insurance. I have two friends that lost their insurance benefits when their employers cut their hours to reduce company cost. One is a family of 5 and the other a family of 4 - that's 9 people that had to go to the exchange due to the new laws. Imagine how many more are like that in this state.

    It's unfortunate that the voters of this State and Nation appear to be getting dumber and dumber. Keep electing these liberal democrats, but eventually the hard working tax payers will run out of money and you leeches will be out of free handouts and may actually be forced to earn your money... imagine that?

  3. 4:20 Well stated and so true.

  4. It doesn't matter who you vote for, they are going follow their own personal agenda, and not the platform they were elected on. When are you sheeple going to realize that they are not in politics to serve you.

  5. Let's move the target 100 yards closer... There! That's better!

  6. Not to mention, just because you "sign up" doesn't mean you actually HAVE insurance. You don't have anything until you have a policy number in hand. Do you think your dr. is going to take your word that you have ins? I doubt it.


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