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Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Market Cornered: JPMorgan Owns Over 60% Notional Of All Gold Derivatives

Perhaps the only question we have after seeing the attached table, which shows that as of Q3, 2013 JPMorgan owned $65.4 billion, or just over 60% of the total notional ($108.2 billion) of all gold derivatives in the US, is whether the CFTC will pull the "our budget was too small" excuse to justify why it allowed Jamie Dimon to ignore any and all position limits and corner the gold market?


  1. Anyone getting the feeling that maybe the last 30 years of politics have just been the slowest, most complicated gold heist in history? That maybe that episode of Southpark wasn't just a joke?

  2. so when the price tumbles they take a bath! big deal!


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