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Friday, February 21, 2014

Liberal Billionaire Pledges $100 Million To Bully U.S. On Global Warming

Liberals absolutely love complaining about so-called dark money, until a climate alarmist starts waving around his millions. Make that $100 million.

Billionaire and former fossil fuel investor Tom Steyer recently announced plans to use his organization, Next Generation Climate Action, to inject millions of dollars into the 2014 election. Steyer, No. 1,031 on Forbes magazine’s billionaire’s list, has previously funded Virginia Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s 2013 campaign and run questionable ads slamming the proposed Keystone pipeline.

The New York Times reported on Feb. 18 that Steyer intends to “pressure federal and state officials to enact climate change measures through a hard-edge campaign of attack ads.”



  1. another liberal kook...

  2. so that makes Steyer a contentious heretic advancing maniacal lies for the UN and their desires
    Nothing noble about that..he's another of those Hedge Fund parasites who dumps his bad investments off on everyone else and keeps those that make money--

  3. He should take it and shove it up his a....

  4. More of the same BS. These billionaires are forever "pledging" tons of money for this liberal cause or that. After the initial "pledge" you never hear another word. They need to fork over the money immediately otherwise they are to just be ignored for the BS's they are. This is nothing more than a way for them to show off without doing anything.

  5. He sees opportunity in making billions from his millions.

  6. I wonder if he will be an IRS target?


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