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Friday, February 28, 2014

Joe Biden: Obamacare Not A Jobs Killer

Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday denied that Obamacare would cost many Americans their jobs, insisting that it gave workers, in particular women, more employment freedom.

In an interview on ABC’s “The View,” Biden was asked by host Barbara Walters if the health law was a “jobs killer.”

A recent Congressional Budget Office report projected that the health law could cost the equivalent of more than 2 million workers over coming years, a finding the Obama administration has pushed back against.

Biden said that a closer reading of the report showed that President Obama's health care reform law would actually help struggling workers.



  1. First of all, "The View" is nothing more than 4 or 5 hens sitting on a couch cacklin' at something they know very little of. Its nots relevant. Secondly, Joe Biden has never had a real job, so how would he know?

  2. Well it hasn't killed a job yet right?

  3. We can believe crazy Uncle Joe and 5 liberal women trying to out liberal each other...LMAO.

  4. Not only is he a liar but he's also a dumbass.

  5. many jobs have been killed because of business owners like me NOT Expanding, NOT hiring, cutting hours and laying off. do you get that??? Obama must go soon. only vote in conservatives. NO DEMS no matter what. They are clueless and lining their pockets as fast as they can.

  6. 5:03 PM

    do you really think it would matter who is voted out or voted in?

    we've been doing that over 200 years. has anything changed? just a different party doing the same thing the other party has done before them.

    our government is doomed to fail, and that event is getting closer with each passing day.

    our systems are a huge pyramid scheme. we are running out of money at the bottom to send upwards. the ones at the top will walk away with huge piles of money and the lower ranks will be just like they are only worse.

  7. Its NOT a "jobs killer". Its a PEOPLE killer. Who can afford a higher monthly premium AND a $5000 (!!) DEDUCTIBLE??
    You'll just waste away and die.


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