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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

House Republicans Recall Lois Lerner To Explain IRS Targeting

House Republicans announced Tuesday that they are recalling Lois G. Lerner, the former IRS employee at the center of the tea party targeting scandal, to testify to Congress next week, saying she has critical information.

Ms. Lerner asserted her right to remain silent to avoid self-incrimination at a hearing last year, but at the time she also proclaimed her innocence. House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell E. Issa, California Republican, said she effectively waived her Fifth Amendment rights with that claim and made her open to being compelled to testify.

“Ms. Lerner’s testimony remains critical to the committee’s investigation,”Mr. Issa said in a letter to her attorney, William W. Taylor III. “Documents and testimony obtained by the committee show that she played a significant role in scrutinizing applications for tax exempt status from conservative organizations.”


  1. could not have happened to a nicer gal

  2. Good luck on getting anything out of O's communist stooges.

  3. Why can't they actually do something constructive?

  4. she belongs in jail --the 5th Amendment is no more important than the 1st Amendment she has no respect for..


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