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Friday, February 14, 2014

Homeland Security To Activate ‘National License Plate Recognition Database’

UK version of spy system was used to target political activists

The Department of Homeland Security is set to activate a national license plate tracking system that will be shared with law enforcement, allowing DHS officers to take photos of any license plate using their smartphone and upload it to a database which will include a “hot list” of “target vehicles”.

The details are included in a PDF attachment uploaded yesterday to the Federal Business Opportunities website under a solicitation entitled “National License Plate Recognition Database.”

The system will “track vehicle license plate numbers that pass through cameras or are voluntarily entered into the system from a variety of sources (access control systems, asset recovery specialists, etc.) and uploaded to share with law enforcement” in order to help locate “criminal aliens and absconders.”



  1. I guess I'll be on the "hot list" of "target vehicles" when they see my anti-obama bumper stickers. F&#@ 'em.

  2. They make good targets when sighting in your rifle.

  3. The cameras, mind you.

  4. I see the speed camera on South Division disappeared. What happened there? Not enough tickets or not really in the school zone?


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