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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Homeland Security Backs Down From License Plate Surveillance

The Homeland Security Department has dropped plans to obtain access to a national database of license plates. Secretary Jeh Johnson personally canceled the solicitation. Immigration and Customs Enforcement was seeking commercial software to search records kept by states on locations of millions of cars and trucks. The proposal said ICE was planning to use the license plate data in pursuit of criminal immigrants. Several privacy advocates had opposed the plan. Fourteen states are considering curbing surveillance.


  1. Thank goodness. The sheep can safely graze.

  2. Hate to bust your bubble but its already in place and been used for years now.

  3. This does not mean they won't do it, it will just be done surreptitiously.

  4. The proposal said ICE was planning to use the license plate data in pursuit of criminal immigrants.

    This is their way to get Tea Party types to go along with it.

  5. Smoke and mirrors they still will push this through... It will be another name, or put in the back of some other bill or they will wait until you are drunk like on newyears to pass this...

    But mark my words it will come...


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