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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Hitchhiker Shot And Killed By Police [GRAPHIC CONTENT]

Two men traveling along state Route 159 near Calico Basin, about 20 miles from downtown Las Vegas witnessed and recorded an incident with police where a lone man walking down the road ended up getting killed after a brief altercation.

The video of the incident was take from one of the man’s cellphones and released to the Las Vegas Review Journal. It shows 20 year old D’Andre Berghardt Jr getting stopped by Bureau of Land Management rangers, only to be killed after they failed to subdue him.

It starts with Berghardt being held at gunpoint by the two rangers for a few minutes while onlookers in cars and on bicycles observe. You can’t hear what they’re saying to each other but the young man didn’t appear to be threatening them or showing malicious intent even though he remained on his feet.

After several minutes of holding him at gunpoint, one of the rangers sprayed Berghardt with pepper spray in the face which prompted him to remove his shirt and start rubbing where the spray contacted him.



  1. They all had 20 opportunities to cuff him peacefully and put into a car. Instead, it looks like they messed with him long enough and threatened him enough to make him just want to get the H. out of there. Then they used that for a reason to shoot him like a dog.

    Kinda how we used to torture bugs before we killed them when we were kids.

  2. The facts are that the cops have gotten a taste of blood., and they like it. They like that they can murder and get away with.
    It's time to change that. I'm afraid to post exactly what I feel should be done so, please, please let your Congressional representatives know that you know what these cops are doing and tell them how you feel about the plague that they've created.

  3. 300 million more killed by cop incidents and the cops won't have all that much to do


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