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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Historic: First State Calls For Convention Limiting Federal Government

In a landmark move, Georgia’s House and Senate have called for a constitutional convention to limit the size and power of the federal government.

It is the first time that both chambers of a state have supported a conservative- and libertarian-backed movement that would bring together all 50 states to consider amending the US Constitution. The group behind the movement has labeled it a Convention of States and launched awebsite.

“We Georgians boldly took another few steps out of tyranny,” said Jacquie Peterson, the Convention of States Georgia director. “Those of us who were able to attend this historic vote were honored to be there representing hundreds of thousands of other liberty-loving men and women from across our Nation. It is our greatest hope that many of our sister States will join with us to lead the way.”


1 comment:

  1. “It’s open-ended, and it’s dangerous,” State Sen. Steve Thompson (D-Marietta) said, according to The Macon Telegraph. Thompson voted no on the resolution.

    So is staying the current course, you moron.


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